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Calendar of Events
SFUSD Calendar
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Student and Family Announcements
Important Announcements
Gofundme Fundraiser | Help the 100th Anniversary of Francisco Middle School Shine! The Francisco Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is proud to support the staff and the incredibly diverse 500+ student body that makes our future worth living!
You can make a difference by donating today to the Francisco Middle School PTO. It's especially important this year as we celebrate our centennial year.
Let's give Francisco Middle the resources they need to make this academic year an incredible memorable year for all! | ||
APPLICATIONS for SFUSD SCHOOL YEAR 2025-26 AVAILABLE in PARENTVUE | Online applications for 2025-26 now available on ParentVUE!
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MESSAGE from NEW SUPERINTENDENT | Please read the message from our new superintendent, Dr. Maria Su. |
Student Announcements
Family Announcements
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Youth & Family Opportunities
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Advisory Slides
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Francisco’s Staff Are Here To Help!
We encourage students and families to be in direct contact with assigned teachers. Francisco staff email contact list is HERE.
Grade level counselor assignments:
- Frank Chan, Head Counselor
- 7th grade counselor
- David Kaplan
- 8th grade counselor
- Dolores Lee
- 6th grade counselor
FMS Expectations
Students are rewarded following Francisco’s School Expectations (and held accountable when they don’t).
FMS Positive Rewards & Restorative Disciplinary Processes
FMS Positive Rewards & Restorative Disciplinary Processes
This document outlines what happens when students make good choices, and what happens when/if they don’t make good choices. It also outlines how we restore harm when it’s been done.
Pick Up & Drop Off
For the safety of your child and the pedestrian traffic we have, DO NOT:
- Pick up your child in front of the school gate. We must keep the loading lane clear for SFUSD Special Education buses.
- Double park on the school’s surrounding streets, Francisco, Powell, Stockton or Chestnut streets.
- Select another block to meet your child
Attendance Procedures For Families
ParentVUE & StudentVUE
Here are updates you need to know:
- Update your contact information: to ensure you receive school and district notifications.
- Complete your Emergency Card Form online for school year 24/25. If you completed this before June 30, you need to submit a new form. Please visit for more information.
- Complete Acknowledgements for school year 24/25. For more information, visit
- You can now report FULL DAY absences in Parentvue! To learn how to report full day absences in ParentVUE, you can view video instructions and instructions on how to submit full day absences on desktop or the mobile ParentVUE app.
If you forgot your password, click the “Forgot Password” link and enter your email address to receive instructions on how to reset your password. Contact your school site to get an activation key and visit for more information on your account.
Update All School Forms
- All Emergency Contact Information for your child can be entered through ParentVue, ensuring we have this information is essential to help us quickly connect your child with family and guardians in the event of an emergency. Please complete the online Emergency Contact Form now.
- All families must complete the Multipurpose Family Income Form. This form is vital to ensure school funding. Completing it helps our school and provides your family with access to discounted utilities, afterschool programs, and other benefits. Please take a few minutes to complete this form now.
- View a Step by Step Guide (English) Español | 中文 | عربي | Tagalog | Tiếng Việt
Watch a How-To Video (English) (video has no sound) Español | 中文
Beacon: Before & After School Programming
Application Links:
The Beacon program at Francisco supports students with programming during the school and before and after school. Students must be registered in order to participate in before and after school programming. The registration form includes the multipurpose income form. FMS asks ALL families to do this, whatever their income. It provides important information for the school.
Program Hours
- Before school
- Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 9:30am (structured sports programming in the gym)
- After School
- All school days, except Wednesday, starting right after school in the cafeteria: 4:00pm - 6:30pm
- Wednesday: 2:15pm - 6:15pm
Location: School cafeteria!
For program information contact:
- Jimmy Le at (415) 535-5597
- Lorraine Orlandi at (415) 956-1234
FMS Phone Policy
FMS is a phone free school. This means students are expected to use their assigned phone pouch every day. Pouches remain with students.
- When you need to get a message to your child, call the school at 415-791-7900.
- Refer to Francisco’s full Electronic Policy here.
- The SF Standard, covered SFUSD schools becoming phone free with Yondr.
- Presentation about why the benefits of being phone free
Free Meals For Students
Muni Serves Our Students!
Please be sure to review the SFUSD handbook for information and policies pertinent to SFUSD schools, including expectations and rights for students and families. You may request a hardcopy of the handbook online or through your ParentVue account.
This page was last updated on January 28, 2025