Alvarado Elementary School

More about this school

  • School Type

    Early Education, Elementary School (TK, K, 1-5)
  • Estimated Enrollment

  • Principal

    • Michelle Sundby
  • Assistant Principal(s)

    • Amy Youngs
  • Hours

    Mo - Tu: 7:50 am-2:05 pm
    We: 7:50 am-12:50 pm
    Th - Fr: 7:50 am-2:05 pm
  • School Tour

    Sign up for a school tour at

  • This School Feeds Into

  • Neighborhood

    Noe Valley
  • School Bus

    94124, 94110
  • School Meals

    Breakfast, Lunch, After School Supper

    View menus at

  • School Code

  • Alvarado is more than a school; we are a community. We are a School of Languages, a School of Arts, and a School of Cultures and Social Justice. Our mission is to reach and teach the heart and soul of the child through fertile academic and art programs. We rely on our strong belief in community, equity, and the transformative power of education to empower our students to achieve their full potential. Alvarado offers a quality general education as well as an award-winning Spanish-English Dual Immersion Program. We are committed as a community of learners to the academic, social, and emotional growth of every student. We celebrate our diversity and are proud of the warmth in our halls.

    Social justice is embedded in our curriculum and is promoted through assemblies such as Latino Pride, Gay Pride, Spoken Word, and Women's History. In a safe and fair classroom environment, joyful, students thrive on an engaging, challenging yet accessible curriculum. Our teachers employ a variety of meaningful, authentic strategies and activities that address the variety of learning styles of all students. This is accomplished through the use of our arts program to teach across the curriculum. We keep our promises to students and families when we have an open dialogue among all of the members of the community—communicating needs, responsibilities, and results. We actively embrace the cultures and languages of our families through cultural events and encourage parent volunteers of many languages and cultures.

  • Before School Programs

    We start the day with a community morning circle where Principal Sadja shares brief announcements and student recognition. On Fridays we all sing the Alvarado Song!
  • After School Programs

    Alvarado partners with Mission Graduates to provide on-site after school care. We also have a variety of neighborhood after school programs that pick students up directly from the school as well as two school buses that stop near other after school programs.
  • Language Programs

    • Spanish Dual Language Immersion
  • Special Education Programs

    • Resource Specialist Program Services
    • Separate class - Moderate/severe
    Separate class - Moderate/severe for K-5
  • School Day Academic Enrichment

    • Computer carts
    • Computer lab
    • English literacy interventionist
    • Other
    • Science lab
    • Spanish literacy interventionist
    • Technology teacher
  • Arts Enrichment

    • Instrumental music
    • Visual arts
    • Vocal Performing Arts
    We offer a 2D/3D Arts elective class, Orff music sessions for all grades, vocal music for TK through 2nd grade, and small group instrumental music instruction in grades 4 and 5. Each classroom performs in at least one schoolwide assembly a year. We also hold an annual weekend Dia de los Muertos Art Workshop in October for families that is widely attended.
School Data

Application Data

General education entry grade seats per application: 8%
Contact Info


Map showing the location of the school.
Alvarado Elementary School
TK, K, 1-5
625 Douglass Street, San Francisco, 94114
Get directions(link is external)
Mo - Tu: 7:50 am-2:05 pm
We: 7:50 am-12:50 pm
Th - Fr: 7:50 am-2:05 pm