Afterschool Programs

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Mission Graduates(link is external) Extended Day Program at Alvarado Elementary School
The Extended Day Program provides award-winning after school academic enrichment programs for over 1,100 students year round at 6 elementary schools, combining academics and enrichment to create a comprehensive program that supports student’s creativity and academic success.

Literacy and Math Support: All lesson plans incorporate the elements of literacy development: speaking, listening, reading, and writing infused throughout the program. Using the Common Core Standards, all staff implement games and activities to reinforce, develop, and increase students’ mathematical understanding and skills.

Project-Based Learning: In our programs, we design and deliver project-based learning and sequenced intentional learning activities to reinforce and supplement the learning happening during the school day. All lessons are part of a unit, and a culminating class, program, or family event marks the end of a unit of study and showcases youth’s learning.

Engaging Enrichment Activities: In addition to staff developing enrichments designed to peak students interest and develop creativity, Mission Graduates partners with organizations dedicated to those ends, including San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Youth Theater, Acrosports, Today’s Future Sounds, Abada Capoeira, and Playwell Teknologies (LEGO Robotics).

Our new program times for this school year are below:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 2:05 pm-6:00 pm
Wednesday: 12:50pm-6:00pm

To join us for the Extended Day Program

There is now an online application, please click the link for you.

Extended Day Program Staff:


Mission Graduates Main Office: 415-864-5205
Mission Graduates Fax: 415-864-0916

<SFUSD & Alvarado neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity described below.  The information is provided as a community service.>


Buses can go to:

Douglass Park Latchkey (staff walks kids from school) to register
1100 Douglass St @ 26th St 415 695-5017

Si Se Puede
101 Gold Mine Drive at Diamond Hts Blvd 415.695.0449

Las Americas Child Development Center
801 Treat St. at 21st 695-5746

Mission CYO
180 Fair Oaks St. 415-920-2740



St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church
5200 Diamond 648-5200

Boys and Girls Club
901 Alabama St. 648-2434

Boy and Girls Club
450 Guerrero St. at 16th St. 864-2724

Mission YMCA
825 Shotwell St. 282-0953

Mission Ed. Center
1670 Noe St. 695-5313

Grattan Child Development Center
165 Grattan St. 759-2850

John McLaren
2055 Sunnydale St. 469-4519

Providence Foundation of SF
1218 Mendell St. 94124 642-023

This page was last updated on August 6, 2021