Schoolyard Improvements

Schoolyard Improvements and Outdoor Learning at SFUSD

For more than two decades, San Franciscans have voted to invest bond funds in creating outdoor learning and green spaces on school yards. Since 2003 over $20 Million in bond funds have been invested in greening SFUSD’s schoolyards. The result: 90% of our schools have some form of outdoor classroom, green infrastructure and/or nature play space. 

In Fall 2021, SFUSD’s Board of Education voted to reallocate up to $14 Million in 2016 Bond Funds toward expanding outdoor learning opportunities on SFUSD schoolyards.  

Reimagining Schoolyards: Outdoor Learning, Expanded Play, and Climate Resiliency 

SFUSD’s Bond & Facilities Staff listened to community members and school site leaders as it planned this next phase of investment in outdoor spaces.  Outdoor gathering spaces, shade,  landscaping and nature play opportunities are high priorities. The Bond Program’s Schoolyard Outdoor Learning (SOL) projects are being coordinated to provide equitable access to outdoor learning and play opportunities.

This page was last updated on July 2, 2024