
Mission位於美麗的Dolores公園前,Mission,Noe Valley和Castro的社區在此相遇。校園的中心位置可從城市的所有地方訪問。我們灌輸積極的社會價值觀,接納和對Mission代表的多元化致予讚賞。我們全校以學術為重點,旨在通過嚴格的課程(包括豐富的AP和榮譽課程)為所有學生準備大學和職業生涯。我們還擁有眾多的商業和大學合作夥伴關係,以幫助我們確保學生在整個高中階段和畢業後設定高目標。現在應屆畢業生報讀于史丹福大學,加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA),加州大學柏克萊分校(UCB),Cornell,Spelman,以及全國各地的許多其他大學。


Monroe 小學

Monroe is a diverse school located in the Excelsior district that hosts three language programs serving children from many linguistic backgrounds around the city. We offer an English Language Development, a Chinese Bilingual, and a Spanish Immersion program. At Monroe, making social justice a reality means that Monroe is a safe place where students, parents, and teachers are engaged in open, honest discussions about the academic progress and the emotional well-being of our students, as well as our shared vision of success for Monroe's students.

George R. Moscone 小學

George R. Moscone, located in the historic Mission District, has a multi-ethnic student body rich in cultural and linguistic diversity. An energetic, hard-working staff collaborates to create an atmosphere that nurtures academic, social, and emotional growth. We are committed to having all students perform at their highest ability and reach their full potential. Students will develop their self-esteem and a respect for individual differences through their own sense of personal and social responsibility.