
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Link to this section

Longfellow's STEAM program aspires to foster student development in the 4 C’s of 21st century learning:  collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.  This is achieved through: 1) finding meaningful ways to increase technology integration in the classroom, 2)  implementing computer science lessons using the SFUSD K-5 Creative Computing curriculum, and 3) providing highly-engaging, hands-on STEAM-related activities. 

Creative Computing K-2 https://sites.google.com/sfusd.edu/k-2cs/(link is external)

Creative Computing 3-5  https://sites.google.com/sfusd.edu/3-5cs/(link is external)

Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Link to this section

Longfellow strives to provide a well-rounded education by providing arts education which promotes creativity, expression, problem solving, and communication. We have long standing opportunities to provide visual arts(K-2), dance (K-5), acrosports (K-1), ballet (3), music (4-5). 

Visual and performing arts scope and sequence: https://sfusdarts.weebly.com/elementary-scope-and-sequence-and-outcomes.html(link is external)

Longfellow School Library program aims to nurture a lifelong love of learning, while providing a safe and welcoming place for all community members to flourish. The teacher librarian strives to teach information literacy and ethical research practices in collaboration with classroom teachers to promote critical thinking and academic responsibility. Library lessons are strategically designed and materials are carefully selected to support and celebrate diversity. 

Longfellow K-5 Library Databases 2019-20 (link is external)

Academic Response to Intervention (RTI) Link to this section

Longfellow recognizes the pivotal importance of literacy for the academic success of children and  that some students  have difficulty acquiring the skills to become fluent readers and writers, even when they are receiving a high-quality differentiated classroom instruction. Teachers with students who are not progressing with Guided Reading can consult with a Literacy Specialist, RTI or CARE team for strategies to provide additional Tier 2 interventions. Students who do not make adequate progress (are achieving below grade level expectations) are identified and eligible for 30-45 minutes of daily supplemental instruction (Tier 2) provided in small groups or 1:1 according to student need and school resources.

This page was last updated on July 31, 2020