
English Plus/General Education Program Link to this section

English Plus provides ELD instruction, as well as content-area instruction in English throughout the day. All applicants are eligible to apply.

Spanish Biliteracy Program (SP Biliteracy) Link to this section

Biliteracy program is taught in Spanish/English. All applicants must be Spanish Speaking, potential English Learners or bilingual speakers of Spanish and English.

World Language in Elementary School Program (WLES)-- Link to this section

FLES programs are taught mostly in English with the objective of exposing students to the target Filipino language for 30-60 minutes per day, 3-5 times a week.

Special Education (SpEd) Link to this section

Special education provides an instructional environment that meets the specific needs of children that cannot be supplied through the regular education program.

Special Day Class (SDC)

A special education setting comprised entirely of students with specific education needs taught by teachers with special education authorization. Longfellow presently has a mild-moderate program. Class sizes are limited to 12 students and there is paraprofessional support available.

Resource Specialist Program (RSP)

A program for students who participate in regular education, but may also receive special education instruction in the RSP. These students receive services either within the classroom, or “pulled out” of the regular education classroom for special assistance during specific periods of the day or week. They are taught by credential teachers with resource specialist authorization.

Coordinated Care Team Link to this section

The Coordinated CARE Team (CCT) is a “learning support” umbrella structure that brings together all support service providers at a school site. The CCT focuses on referred students, and coordinates respective programs and services to promote their academic success. The CCT provides early identification, assessment, referral, support, and service coordination for students experiencing academic, attendance, behavior/social, or health problems that impact school success. In addition, school-wide issues are identified and addressed.

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support) Link to this section

The goal of PBIS is to create a positive school climate(link is external), in which students learn and grow. However, school climate can vary widely from school to school. A number of factors affect school climate, including school location, neighborhood culture, instructional methods, student diversity, and school administration.

School climate affects  attendance rates, academic achievement, and graduation rates. Regardless of socioeconomic status, students in a positive school climate are more likely to have higher test scores and greater academic success(link is external). In addition, a positive school climate helps students to develop the social and emotional skills they will need to become productive members of society.

A positive school climate includes:

  • A feeling of safety
  • Respect
  • Engagement in learning
  • Involvement in school life
  • Shared vision
  • Involvement of teachers, students, and families

Please see: is external) for more information. 

This page was last updated on July 30, 2023