
JLMS Attendance Policies


  • If you have a planned absence, please call the office BEFORE 9 AM in the morning or AFTER 10:30 AM to inform our front office. If the planned absence is due to a medical appointment, please provide a doctor's note upon return so we can excuse your absence.
  • If your student has more than 3 unexcused absences in a school year, the district will automatically send you a notice of truancy in the mail. 
  • If you plan on picking up your student early at any point, please call the main office the morning before school starts to inform our office staff. Failure to do so can result in your student not being released on time. 


Passing periods will be 4 minutes. All student bathrooms are open every passing period, and students are encouraged to use the restroom during this time, as well as travel to their next class on time. 

If students enter their class after the bell:

  1. They will be marked tardy.
  2. If they have more than 5 tardies a week in periods after advisory (more than 1 a day), they will then serve a lunch detention the following week.
  3. If students are required to attend lunch detention for multiple weeks, or if excessive tardies become a pattern, caregivers and guardians will be required to attend a meeting to discuss a plan to support the student. 

If tardy to school, students are to check into the main office before going to class. 

Leaving JLMS

If your student is no longer attending JLMS, please call the main office at 415-695-5675 to inform our main office. We will need proof of enrollment of your new school in order to drop you from our roster. 

This page was last updated on October 2, 2024