Bulletin No 18

Principal's Message

Dear Families,

I hope this finds you well! 

Next week is Parent-Teacher conference week. Please take advantage of the opportunity to meet with your child's teacher. Students will be released early ,at 1:40 PM.If you pick up your child, please be here no later than 1:40 for pick up. If your child goes to ExCEL your pick up time is the same as usual.

Has your child been vaccinated for Covid-19? Please consider getting your child vaccinated if they qualify. The protocol at this time, is if your child is not vaccinated and is exposed to Covid-19, they must quarantine at home for at least 5 days and may return to school after a negative Covid test. Five days is a lot of learning time to miss. Attendance each and every day is critical to your child's learning and academic success. Also, please remember, if your child is sick please call the school to let us know and keep them home til they are better. 

We are now in the midst of planning for next school year and we have received the preliminary budget for 2022-2023. Next Tuesday,March 8 we will host an ELAC/SSC meeting to review what worked this year and what you feel our school needs to implement in order to continue improving. Please make every effort to attend. The meeting will be via Zoom. Please be on the lookout for the zoom link! 

Have an amazing week!



Mrs. Vasquez



SSC (School Site Council) & ELAC Meeting- Budget & Priorities

March 8, 2022

On March 8th from 6:00-7:00 pm, we are going to hold our SSC & ELAC meeting. And also, below is the link for our survey. The purpose of this survey is to get your opinion about our programs; and your ideas or suggestions to begin making our academic plans for the next school year. Our interest is to continue with the programs that have given us excellent results and reinforce others that we can improve. It is very important that you submit the survey before   March 7.

Here is the link for the survey:


And the link for the meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting.    https://sfusd.zoom.us/j/86863575776?pwd=L04yYTFBTHRVa2lNY3JoTXRuTjExdz09

Meeting ID: 868 6357 5776

Passcode: 096085

You opinions are very important!!


This page was last updated on August 30, 2022