Bulletin No 3- MEC

Bulletin No 3-MEC Sep 15, 2021

Dear Families,

I hope this finds you well and that you and your child are enjoying the school year. 

What has your child told you about their experience at MEC so far? How has their transition to this school year been so far?  I remember when my children were in elementary school and asking them questions about school. Their responses were usually a one word response which would then lead me to ask more questions. I was interested in their response of course, but I also wanted to work with their elaboration skills, so I would then follow up with,"Oh! Tell me more about that."  I wanted to hear more about their day and I knew that by asking them to elaborate would at some point transfer to their writing skills. Our conversations would eventually lead to more conversations about different topics. 

This is going to be a busy week at MEC. Students are finishing up with ELPAC testing. This is a test that all students take so that we can determine their English proficiency and English Language skills.

On Thursday,Sept. 16 we will be celebrating Independence Day with families from Mexico and much of Central America. We are asking your child to dress in something to represent their country of origin. This will be a lot of fun. I will be celebrating with students even though Panama's Independence is on November 3.

This Wednesday, there will be a meeting on Zoom  to share information about medical care for our students,Covid testing, insurance and more topics. The meeting will be led by pediatricians from UCSF. The meeting starts at 5 PM. It should be very informative and you'll have an opportunity to win a Rainbow Grocery store  gift card. 

Lastly, Saturday,September 18 we will host our Welcome Back to School and Garden clean up day. The event is from 10-12 PM. We will have coffee, snacks and activities for kids. We'll also spend a little time cleaning up the gardens and planting some new plants. Please make every effort to attend. We'll have a chance to talk and share information about MEC.Please see the flyers on our website.

We wish you a wonderful week. Please be sure your child is completing their homework, reading a book daily and going to bed early!



Ms. Vasquez



Mission Education Center in collaboration with pediatricians from UCSF will held a meeting on zoom this Wednesday, Sept 15 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, to share information about medical care for our students,Covid testing, insurance and more topics. It should be very informative and you'll have an opportunity to win a Rainbow Grocery store  gift card. 

Here is the link for our meeting:


Meeting ID: 846 8562 7466

Passcode: 680350


This page was last updated on August 30, 2022