Why Personal Finance?

Data about Personal Finance

Financial Status

  • 36% of Americans said they would be unable to cover a $400 emergency.
  • 78% of Americans feel like they live paycheck to paycheck.
  • 42% of Americans aren’t saving for retirement.
  • 25% Americans are in collections for at least one of their debts.

Mental Health Impact

  • 43% of Americans worry about their finances daily.
  • 34% of Americans lose sleep over their personal finances.
  • 47% of Americans are always worried they’ll have an emergency they can’t afford.
  • 56% of Americans feel behind on their retirement savings goals.

Community Perspective

  • 76% of recent high school grads said they wished their schools placed more emphasis on personal finance
  • 88% of adults surveyed in April 2022 said they wanted all schools to require either a semester or year-long personal finance course


This page was last updated on November 13, 2023