JCYC Educational Talent Search : JCYC(Japanese Committee Youth Council) College Access Program is back for this school year!  Justin Butac will be coordinating the services again this year at Denman. The mission of our program is to support students in their paths to college. Some of the services we offer at Denman are after school tutoring, college and career presentations, and field trips. During distance learning, we will provide virtual tutoring and workshops for students. These services are all free! We just ask that students and families sign our application form.  We are currently working on our application forms. Students are able to receive academic support without signing our program form. Our priority right now is to support students' transition into distance learning.  Below is the JCYC program's website and JCYC @ Denman's Google Site (this is where you can sign up for tutoring or advising.) 


JCYC Program Website: http://www.jcyccollegeaccess.org/(link is external)

JCYC @ Denman Google Site: https://sites.google.com/jcyc.org/justin-jcycs-virtual-classroom/homework-help?authuser=0(link is external)


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me-  Elena Lents elents@jcyc.org(link sends email).


This page was last updated on August 3, 2022