“All student-athletes need a complete physical form to play a sport at Denman.  Particularly for a fall sport, try to complete physical forms before school starts.”

Sports image


Denman Athletics Instructions 2022-2023

Denman Athletics will be moving our athletic paperwork to a digital format. We are now asking parents/guardians to use the website: to complete all athletic paperwork for each school year. The forms will remain the same but will now be a digital signature. Moving to Home Campus will allow everyone to stay updated with athletes being cleared for each sport. THIS DOCUMENT has the link to the website, instructions on how to navigate the website, and a walkthrough video.


Important Sport Information

List of Sports 2022-23 and Months played.

Code of Conduct


This is a link where parents and students can find schedules for all sports and the physical form they can print out to take to the doctor.

This page was last updated on September 16, 2022