Contact Information for Employee FAQs

Contact Info for Employee FAQs Link to this section

ServiceDepartmentEmailPhone NumberWeb InfoContact for help with
AccountingBusiness sends email)(415) 241-6695Accountingpaying bills or vendors
Administrator StaffingHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101Administrative Careersopportunities for aspiring administrators
Assessments & TestingResearch, Planning & sends email)(415) 241-6400Achievement Assessmentsquestions about student assessments and data
BenefitsHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101Benefits & Insurancequestions about applying for or changing benefits options
BudgetBusiness ServicesContact your Budget AnalystBudget Analyst Assignments(link is external)Budget Officeschool or department budget questions (e.g., planning and tracking your resources)
Certificated StaffingHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101Join SFUSD - Certificatedjob opportunities for teachers/ other certificated, including transfer options sends email)(415) 241-6565Communications & PRflier approvals, media, news & publications, opt-in forms, crisis communications, website
Community sends email)(415) 241-6185Memorandum of Understandingquestions about MOUs or community partnerships
CredentialsHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101Credentialingquestions about credentials, transcripts, etc.
Employment VerificationHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101Employment & Income Verificationverifying employment or income for loan applications, apartment rentals, etc.
Field Trips/InsuranceRisk sends email)(415) 241-6307Field Trip Forms & Guidelinesquestions about field trips, required forms, etc. Student Injuries, Accidents/ Insurance, Safety Guides
Workplace InjuriesHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101Employee Injuries & Workers Compensationquestions about employee injury/illness, Workers' Compensation 
PayrollBusiness ServicesSubmit a request to 241-6114Payrollconcerns with your paycheck (e.g., payment of stipends, pay errors, withholding questions) & W-2
PurchasingBusiness Services (415) 241-6468Procurementvendor identification for purchasing supplies (Note: Warehouse now managed by Facilities)
SalaryHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101HR Salary Unitquestions about your wage, transcripts and salary payscale
QTEA-Funded StipendsHuman sends email)(415) 241-6101QTEA Stipends & Retention Bonusstipends for teachers in high potential schools and hard to fill subjects
Student AssignmentEducational Placement sends email)(415) 241-6085EPC Employee Infoquestions about all aspects of assigning students to schools/ educational programs
SubstitutesHuman ResourcesSubmit a request to 241-6101 X1221Active Substituteslogging into substitute system; troubleshooting sub system; other sub issues
Technology Help sends email)(415) 241-6476Technology Tools & Systems - includes Technology Help Desktechnology training or purchasing; troubleshooting hardware or software issues; phone issues


This page was last updated on February 20, 2024