Zaida T. Rodriguez Early Education School

More about this school

  • School Type

    Early Education (PreK, TK)
  • Estimated Enrollment

  • Principal

    • Francine Demarco
  • Hours

    Mo - Fr: 7:30 am-5:30 pm

    PreK 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

    TK 8:00 am to 2:15 pm M.T.Th.F.     8:00-1:00 W. 

    OST 2:15-5:30

    OST Summer and Spring Break 7:30-5:30

  • School Tour

    Please contact our school office to arrange a tour of our school. 415-695-5844

    Sign up for a school tour at

  • Neighborhood

  • School Bus

  • School Code

    965 PK
  • Zaida T. Rodriguez is a thinking community for children and adults where:

    A strong collaboration between children, staff, parents, and community enable us to share the responsibilities, challenges, joys and pleasures of learning.

    Staff create an environment that supports children's learning, promotes their sense of wonder and curiosity and invites them to engage in meaningful work. 

    The teaching staff is guided by a deep understanding of the nature of children's cognitive, emotional, social and artistic development. And some languages spoken by staff are: Chinese, English, and

    Families are a part of the learning community and the life of the school.

    Children are seen as inventors, explorers and dreamers.

    Staff recognize, support, and value children's relationships with their families and the culture and the languages of their families.

    Our history--the present and the past--help us evolve into the future.

    Our PK program provides full-day, full-year supports for children. Our Reggio Emilia inspired curriculum is taught by California Permitted Teachers with the support of qualified Paraeducators in a play-based setting. The program offers care beginning at 7:30am until 5:30pm.

    Transitional Kindergarten (TK)  

    Our TK program is designed to bridge the preschool learning environment with that of the traditional kindergarten classroom. It is taught by multiple subject credentialed teachers who blend preschool and kindergarten instructional practices in order to meet the individual needs of each child. The instructional day is from 8:00am to 2:00pm. This year, there is no Out-of-School-Time (OST) program available for TK students. However, TK students applying for the next school year (2023-24) will be able to participate in the OST program!

  • After School Programs

    This year, our school site does not have an OST program for our TK students. However, TK students applying for next year (2023-24) will be able to participate in out-of-school time programs! Please contact Nancy Lambert-Campbell for more information for available after school programs: Email:, Phone: 415-828-7119.
School Data

Application Data

General education entry grade seats per application: 20%
Contact Info
  • Address

    2950 Mission St, San Francisco, CA, 94110, (TK Campus): 421 Bartlett Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110
  • Phone Number

  • Fax Number

  • Email


Map showing the location of the school.
Zaida T. Rodriguez Early Education School
PreK, TK
2950 Mission St, San Francisco, CA, 94110, (TK Campus): 421 Bartlett Ave, San Francisco, 94110
Get directions(link is external)
Mo - Fr: 7:30 am-5:30 pm