Family Portal

Family Portal Link to this section

When you log into the  SFUSD Family Portal, the Home screen shows your children at the top bar, the language choices at the bottom bar, and the Navigation bar on the left. Click the top bar to select a child; click the bottom bar to choose a language. The Navigation bar on the left will display information only for the selected child.


  1. Messages(link is external)

  2. Calendar(link is external)

  3. Attendance(link is external)

  4. Class Schedule(link is external)

  5. Class Websites(link is external)

  6. Course History(link is external) 

  7. Gradebook(link is external)

  8. Report Card(link is external)

  9. School Information (link is external)

  10. Student Info(link is external)


Use this document to learn about all of the features of the Family Portal(link is external)

More Information Link to this section

ParentVUE: Mobile App (Family Portal)

The ParentVUE Mobile application helps families stay informed and connected by providing day-to-day insight into their child’s academic experience. ParentVUE Mobile for the iPhone/iPod Touch and Android works with the Synergy™ student information system works in the same way as the ParentVUE web portal, allowing parents to access near real-time information on assignments and scores, attendance, and demographic information. ParentVUE offers parents a single sign-on to view all of their children’s information regardless of school. 


Launch the ParentVUE app

1. Start the app on your device after it has installed completely.

2. In the text box for District URL, enter this exact text:

3. Click Test to confirm the connection.

4. After a successful test, enter your district username and password and tap Login.


 StudentVUE: Mobile App

The StudentVUE Mobile application helps students stay informed and connected by providing day-to-day insight into their own academic experience. StudentVUE Mobile works with the Synergy™ student information system in much the same way as the StudentVUE web portal, allowing students to stay on top of upcoming school events, classroom happenings, assignments, tests, and academic performance. Students can view their classroom assignments and scores, attendance and more. 


Launch the StudentVUE app

1. Start the app on your device after it has installed completely.

2. In the text box for District URL, enter this exact text:

3. Click Test to confirm the connection.

4. After a successful test, enter your district username and password and tap Login.

This page was last updated on June 30, 2019