Student Absenses Link to this section
Tardy to School: School begins at 9:30 am. Students who arrive at school after 9:30 three or more times are considered chronically truant.
Reporting an Absence: When your child is absent from school, it is very important for the parent/guardian to call the school to report the absence. Please call the Main Office when your child is not able to attend school for any reason.
- Full name of student – printed First and Last Name (No Nicknames)
- Grade and Homeroom of student
- Reason for absence and dates of absence(s)
- Parent/Guardian’s signature in INK and telephone number
- Notes can be written in English, Spanish, Chinese, or other languages comfortable to parent/guardian. Hand in the notes to the Main Office/Attendance Clerk Ms. Loh.
- All notes are kept on file for three years as these are legal documents.
Permit to Leave: During school hours, students are not allowed to leave the campus without written permission from the parent/guardian. The student must go to the Main Office for a Permit to Leave Pass.
Excused Absences: Per Education Code Sections 46010/48205, and SFUSD Board Policy 5113: The following reasons are valid excuses for meeting the compulsory education age requirement:
- Illness or injury (after 5 days of absence the school requires a doctor’s note)
- Quarantine
- Medical appointments
- Funerals
- Immunization exclusions
- Court appearance
- Observances of a religious holiday or ceremony Detainment at Juvenile Hall, the Children’s Shelter or other shelter care, or other custodial facilities
- Appointments with attorneys, law enforcement officers, probation officers, or immigrant officials
- When the student’s absence (due to personal or family emergency) has been requested in writing by the parent/guardian and approved by the principal
Unexcused absences:
- Truancy
- Shopping
- Family vacation
- Missed the bus
- Home/hospital teaching
- Sick Parent
- Babysitting
- Personal business/reasons
Attendance is important to your child’s education and we want all students to be in their class on time.
Cell Phone Policy Link to this section
Willie Brown Uses Yonder Pouches
- Cell phone use is prohibited on campus during school hours, including lunch
- All students will be given a Yondr pouch on the first day of school; the pouch will lock its use until the student leaves for the day
- In addition to phones being in Yondr pouches, headphones, game devices, tablets, speakers, etc. will be off and away during (including PE) when the first bell rings at 9:25
- This includes lunch
- IF WE SEE IT, WE TAKE IT (no warnings!)
- You get it back at the end of the day after the first time
- The second time requires a parent to come pick up your phone/device from the front office.
- The third time you will be required to go on a contract
- Depending on your cooperation or lack thereof, having a phone out during class may result in a referral and even a lunch detention at the teacher’s discretion, even if it is the first time
- The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics.

Emergency Card Link to this section
Parents and legal guardians should complete a Student Emergency and Medical Information Card every year. During an emergency, students will be released only to persons designated on this card. Parents and guardians are responsible for keeping information on the Student Emergency Information Card updated at all times.
This page was last updated on August 28, 2023