Helpful Links and Documents

Technology Resources
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Medical Forms
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Medical forms are important to keep updated and on file with our office. If your child has allergies, requires medication, or has any other medical concerns please find the documents below and have them filled out by your child's doctor and submit them to the office. If you have questions about documentation please contact the Tule Elk Park office or your enrollment specialist.


Forms required on file for children with allergies:


Allergy Emergency Care Plan:

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)


Epi Pen Administration Form:

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)


Forms required if child has asthma:


Asthma Emergency Care Plan:

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)


Asthma Medication Administration Form:

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)



Forms required if child has a history of seizures:


Emergency Care Plan:

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)


If your child has a history of seizures and requires anti-seizure medication please contact the office and we can have the nurse provide medication forms and training to staff on site for proper administration. 


Forms required if child has diabetes:

Emergency Care Plan:

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)


Misc. Medical Forms

General Medication Administration Form:

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)


General Emergency Care Plan:

If your child has a medical need that may require emergency action is not listed above please have your doctor fill this out.

English(link is external)

Spanish(link is external)

Chinese(link is external)


Medical Exam and Vaccination Record:

Medical Exam Form(link is external)

Meal Accommodations
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If your child has special dietary needs please find out the appropriate paperwork and have it completed by your physician. 

Pick Up Waivers
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Pick Up Waiver Form

Minor siblings of Tule Elk Park students may be allowed to do after school pick up but the sibling must be at least 14 and a waiver form is required. The sibling must also have a photo I.D. to show when signing out the child. Before any minor sibling is allowed to pick up a student at Tule Elk Park please make sure you discuss the plan with the classroom teacher, fill out the waiver form, and get approval from the Principal.

Waiver Form(link is external)

Best Interest of the Child Information (Leaves/Vacations)
Link to this section

Best Interest of the Child (BIC) is how the district refers to time away from school. BIC includes family vacations, leaves, or bereavement. Below you will find information and forms regarding these topics. 

SFUSD Early Education Handbook

This page was last updated on July 9, 2021