Procedures & Policies Link to this section
The parent/caregiver is responsible for ensuring their child gets to school daily.
If a student will remain at home, the parent/ guardian/caregiver must communicate with the school in one of the following ways before or on the day of the absence:
- Submit an absence notification via ParentVue (Instructions)*
- Email to attendance clerk Ms. Miller,
- Written note
- Phone call (415) 750-8442
- School-specific attendance form
(*After an absence you will not be able to report an absence through ParentVue and must email, use the school form: if available, call, or send a note with your student.)
In all communications with the school regarding a student's absence please provide the following:
- Your name and identify yourself as the parent/guardian/caregiver of the student
- Student’s name
- Date(s) of the absence(s)
- Reason for the absence
- Signature of a parent/caregiver and current date (if a written note)
Scan QR Code for instructions on reporting absences via ParentVUE. *Only use this to submit a FULL day absence. If you need to report tardy or partial day absence contact your school directly.

Families DO NOT need to submit doctor’s notes for illness to receive an excused absence.
The student will receive an unexcused absence if the parent/caregiver does not submit communication for a valid excused absence.
A parent/guardian/caregiver of the student can submit a request for excused absence anytime during the school year.
SFUSD Board Policy 5113 |
We encourage parents/guardians/caregivers to review their student's attendance record regularly and communicate any discrepancies to the school.
Students and Families can learn more about SFUSD Attendance policies in the Student and Family Handbook.
Students are expected to arrive on time! Students will be marked tardy after the 9:30 a.m. second tardy bell. If students arrive during passing period, they must report to the Attendance Office to get a tardy pass before going to class. Late students will not be admitted to class without a pass. Parents/guardians may receive a call home if late students do not check in at the Attendance Office.
If a student needs to leave school early for a medical/dental appointment, please use the Presidio Form which can be found here: Please submit before school begins, so that a “permit to leave” can be issued to the student. Please have students check in at the Attendance Office when returning to school from an appointment.
If a student is not feeling well, they should report to the school nurse in Student Services. If a call home is warranted, the nurse will make the call to have the student picked up by a parent/guardian.
A truant is any student absent without a valid excuse for 3 full days in one school year, or tardy or absent for more than a 30 minute period during the school day on 3 occasions in one school year, or a combination of the above. A notification of truancy will be sent to the home after the third absence.
Emergency cards must be filled out completely on BOTH SIDES and SIGNED by parent/guardian. Please include emergency contact names and phone numbers. Please note that the school can only release students to the adult(s) listed on the Emergency card. Parent/Guardian must contact the Attendance Office or an Administrator in order to release their student in case of emergency or illness. Texts or calls to students will not be accepted. Please notify the Educational Placement Center (EPC) at 555 Franklin St. Rm. #100, with changes of address as soon as possible. All address changes require 2 proofs of address and identification. Parents may also complete the Emergency Card in ParentVue, but this does NOT replace the paper copy which must be on file in the Attendance office.
PRESIDIO ATTENDANCE OFFICE Ms. Miller (415) 750-8442 |
Cell phones must be turned off and out of sight during school hours. This also includes lunch time. The phone is to be used only on the way to and from school. It may not be used on school campus at any time except in the case of a major emergency, such as an earthquake.
If a student is NOT to able to follow these rules, the phone WILL be taken away. Guardians will be required to come to campus to pick up the phone. This may result in the student not being able to bring their phone to campus for the rest of the school year.
Students who plan to bring cell phones to school are required to have a signed contract on file. Please see your child's counselor for a copy of this contract.
Please note that Presidio Middle School is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to cell phones.
Welcome to Presidio Physical Education, we look forward to having your child in our program this year. In order to prepare for a successful year, students will wear comfortable and appropriate clothing in physical education.
Physical Education Clothing/Supplies
- Presidio PE T-shirt - One t-shirt provided by Presidio PTSA
- Presidio PE T-shorts - One pair of shorts provided by Presidio PTSA
- Student’s FULL name: Last Name, First Name in 2-inch letters printed in black permanent marker on front of shirt and shorts in case of loss.
- Athletic Shoes - Comfortable & supportive (no sandals, heels or boots)
- Spiral single subject notebook and PEN - Black or blue ink
Optional Items
- Sweatshirts - Round neck, no hood; any solid color, the Presidio PE logo sweatshirt is allowed
- Sweatpants - Solid color
Replacement PE clothing can be purchased at the Presidio Shop,, for pick up before school, at lunch or after school.
Presidio Apparel
- Shirt $15
- Shorts $15
- Sweatshirt $25
- Sweatpants $25
- Cinch bag (for PE clothes) $5
Payment Methods
- By Check - Please make your check payable to: Presidio PTSA and include Student’s name, Advisory # and Advisory teacher on memo section of check.
- Online at, please include student name and Advisory in "Sellers Notes" at checkout.
With Cash - Place the exact amount in sealed envelope w/: Student’s name, Advisory # and Advisory teacher on memo section of check.
As the weather starts to change, we would like to let families know about before school and lunch time rainy day procedures. For the safety of our students we ask for increased caution and extra patience as you navigate the increased traffic around school on rainy days.
Before School
Students should enter through the gate on 29th Avenue and take shelter either in the breezeway or auditorium.
During Lunch
The auditorium and gym will be open to students on rainy days. Teachers may choose to provide students with a pass to allow them to lunch in the classrooms; this choice is at teacher’s discretion.
This is just a reminder about appropriate costumes at school. Students are not allowed to wear face paint, masks or fake blood/gore. All costumes must follow the school dress code and may not include any type of imitation weapon. If a costume causes a significant disruption to the learning environment, then a student may be asked to change their attire.
Halloween is not a holiday and the expectation is that teaching and learning will take place in the classroom like any other day.
This page was last updated on January 22, 2025