Presidio 22-23 Electives Link to this section

Presidio is continuing to realize the goals of Middle School Redesign, Initiate Wonder - this school year we will have a seven period day, enabling all students to have electives and have increased opportunities to learn in the areas of the Arts, Language, Health, and Computer Science. Increased Elective offerings include a new opportunity for many of our students to try out a new foreign language, Vietnamese - expanding SFUSD’s offering of world language in middle school. The seven period day provides dedicated Common Planning Time within the school day for teams and departments to intentionally work together in support of our students; to have this valuable time built into the school day is very exciting.
To accommodate all of these changes, we are also making the transition back to a Semester system, with grading periods at the end of 9-week quarters. More information about specific dates and grade submission windows to come.
6th Grade:
GE students take 2 electives:
- 1 semester of Health, 1 semester of: Vietnamese, Japanese, Peer Resources
- 1 year-long arts elective (Band, Orchestra, Choir) OR the Exploratory Wheel (Art, Dance, Music, Computers)
7th Grade:
GE students take 2 electives:
- 1 year-long elective: Peer Resources, MCI, Japanese, Art, Choir, Orchestra, Band
- 2 semester-long electives:
- Computers, MCI, Peer Resources
- Dance, Music, Guitar
8th Grade:
GE students take 2 electives:
- Year-long options: Peer Resources, MCI, Japanese, Art, Dance, Choir, Guitar, Orchestra, Band, Social Justice Literature, TA
- Semester options: Computers, MCI, Vietnamese
- Students may take more than one year-long elective.
Students classified as ELL and/or with IEP’s
- Students classified as ELL take ELD and 1 elective from the above
- Students with IEPs take Study Skills and 1 elective from the above
- Students in SDC will take Study Skills with their core teacher
- Students in RSP will take Study Skills with a RSP teacher
- Students who dual-identify (both SpEd and ELL):
- Students who are ELL and in SDC classes will have study skills with their core teacher and access an elective
- Students who are ELL and in RSP will take ELD and access an elective.
This page was last updated on September 9, 2022