Committee Information


The AAPAG provides a forum to strengthen the voices of African American families at Paul Revere, and its focus is the success of its students in school. For more information, contact Glamis Rory

Meetings: TBA



ELAC stands for English Learner Advisory Committee. Every public school that has more than 21 English learners must have a committee of parents and community members to advocate for the needs of these students. This advocacy is discussed and planned in ELAC for recommendation to the SSC.

What do we do at ELAC? We identify English Learners and their needs for reclassification. We provide educational workshops. Motivate leadership and involvement in other committees.

Meetings: TBA



The PTA helps community members share their ideas and use their skills to benefit students and the school community. All members of the Revere community can join this organization to stay informed about events and opportunities to get involved. For more information send an email to



The SSC, in collaboration with the ELAC, AAPAG, and other community leaders, advises the school administration on: Budget, Academic Plan, and programs.

Meetings: We meet on the third Wednesday of the month.


This page was last updated on July 3, 2024