¡Bienvenidos a Escuela Marshall! Welcome to Marshall Elementary!
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School Announcements
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More about this school
School Type
Elementary School (K, 1-5) -
Estimated Enrollment
265 -
- Noah Ingber
HoursMo - Tu: 8:40 am-2:55 pmWe: 8:40 am-1:40 pmTh - Fr: 8:40 am-2:55 pmSupervision on yard begins at 8:20 AM, please do not drop your child off until 8:20 AM.
Breakfast Club is from at 7:30-8:20 AM for those who are enrolled in the program. If interested, please contact Ms. Araceli.
School Tour
Tours will be held Friday mornings beginning October 2024 and held through January 2025. Exact dates to be announced September 2024. Visit somosmarshall.com for the 2024-2025 tour schedule.
Sign up for a school tour at sfusd.edu/tours.
Uniforms Policy
White or Navy Blue Shirts
Navy Blue Bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers)
Navy Blue Sweaters
Closed-Toed Shoes. -
This School Feeds Into
Mission -
16th/Mission Bart Station Muni #22, #14, #48, #12, #78 -
School Meals
Breakfast, Lunch, After School SupperView menus at sfusd.edu/menus.
School Code
Marshall Elementary School is a small community school dedicated to providing a rigorous core curriculum in a positive learning environment. We are full K-5 Spanish Two-Way Immersion program. Our program provides native English speakers and native Spanish speakers the opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate, with the goal that students will be at grade level in both languages by the end of 5th grade. Our academic focus is on English and Spanish language development.
Students at Marshall Elementary School are high-achieving, joyful learners—and we actively engage them in the learning process. At Marshall, we believe in allocating resources according to individual needs. We aim to ensure that all community voices are heard, to hold students to high expectations, and to showcase and celebrate student work. We welcome and value parent, teacher, and community input to make collaborative decisions to increase student achievement and promote joyful learning. Our vibrant and growing Parent Teacher Association provides financial funding to support many academic programs including STEM, gardening, field trips, art, community events, and so much more!
Before School Programs
Morning Breakfast Club from 7:30-8:15 a.m. -
After School Programs
1. Mission Graduates, no cost for students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch. Hosted on site. 2. CYO After School Program 415 863-1141 enave@catholiccharitiessf.org 3. Columbia Park clubhouse /Boys and Girls Clubs 415 983-3901 https://www.kidsclub.org/all-locations/columbia-park 4. Aventuras After School Program 2285 Mission St., San Francisco CA 94110 https://www.aventurassf.com -
Language Programs
Spanish Dual Language Immersion
Special Education Programs
Resource Specialist Program Services
School Day Academic Enrichment
1:1 student Chromebooks
Computer carts
Education Outside
English literacy interventionist
Literacy interventionist team
Mission Science Workshop program
Spanish literacy interventionist
Arts Enrichment
Art Class
Music program
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA)
Student Support Programs
Family liaison
Instructional coach
On-site nurse
Social worker
Speech pathologist
School Data
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are required by state law and are intended to provide families with important information.
School Accountability Highlights
Published annually by SFUSD to provide access to key data points and three-year trends related to student achievement and school culture-climate. The highlights are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, and Vietnamese.
Social-Emotional and Culture Climate Report
SFUSD annually surveys families and school staff on a range of school climate indicators that have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The social-emotional learning of students in grades 4-12 is also assessed.
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
School communities gather twice a year to review data and previous actions in order to intentionally plan for the coming months. The School Plan for Student Achievement is the template on which this review and stakeholder engagement process is codified.
Contact Info
1575 15th Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103 -
Phone Number
415-241-6280 -
Fax Number
415-241-6547 -
sch714@sfusd.edu -
Social Networks