More about this school
School Type
Early Education, Elementary School (PreK, TK, K, 1-5) -
Estimated Enrollment
415 -
- Paula Antram
Assistant Principal(s)
- Betty Cheung
HoursMo: 7:50 am–2:05 pmTu: 7:50 am–2:05 pmWe: 7:50 am–12:50 pmTh: 7:50 am–2:05 pmFr: 7:50 am–2:05 pm-
- MTThF 7:45am-2:05pm
- W 8:50am-12:50pm
School Tour
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. on select Thursdays from October to January. An appointment is necessary. Please follow visit for a date that works for you.
Sign up for a school tour at
This School Feeds Into
Ocean View -
School Bus
94117, 94122, 94124, 94132, 94134 -
School Meals
Breakfast, Lunch, After School SupperView menus at
School Code
Jose Ortega Elementary School, a culturally diverse school, provides a rich, stimulating program that challenges all students to reach their fullest potential. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies to fit the needs of all students. Students, parents, and staff work cooperatively to sustain a positive school climate. We strive to communicate honestly with parents in a culture of service. There are numerous opportunities for family involvement in school activities such as Family Nights, the Greening Team, UMOJA Cultural Day, Lunar New Year Events and Dia De Los Muertos.
We offer many programs to accommodate all of our students. Our Mandarin Immersion program helps students develop Mandarin language skills. Our Full Inclusion, RSP and Speech programs ensure that children in Special Education have their Individual Education Plans met. We believe that a high and equitable level of student achievement can be achieved by having easy access to mental health services.
Many opportunities augment the academic curriculum at Ortega. Students receive 100 minutes of physical education weekly. Our community garden and our greening projects are connected with science education. The Stonestown YMCA runs an onsite afterschool program that provides a nurturing environment for our students. Additional programs offered at Ortega include social awareness programs (penny and can drives), performance opportunities, kickball and cheerleading teams, Ocean's week, and the 5th grade camping trip.
Reporting Student Absences
The parent/caregiver is responsible for ensuring their child gets to school daily.
If a student will remain at home, the parent/ guardian/caregiver must communicate with the school in one of the following ways before or on the day of the absence:
- Submit an absence notification via ParentVue (Instructions)*
- Email to attendance clerk: and
- Written note
- Phone call (415) 469-4726
(*After an absence you will not be able to report an absence through ParentVue and must email, use the school form: if available, call, or send a note with your student.)
In all communications with the school regarding a student's absence, please provide the following:
- Your name and identify yourself as the parent/guardian/caregiver of the student
- Student’s name
- Date(s) of the absence(s)
- Reason for the absence
- Signature of a parent/caregiver and current date (if a written note)
We encourage parents/guardians/caregivers to review their student's attendance record regularly and communicate any discrepancies to the school.
Students and Families can learn more about SFUSD Attendance policies in the Student and Family Handbook.
Before School Programs
Breakfast is served from 7:30 to 8:15 AM. -
After School Programs
YMCA (on-site), Stelle Chavez, until 6pm. -
Language Programs
Mandarin Dual Language Immersion
Special Education Programs
PreK Special Day Class
Resource Specialist Program Services
School Day Academic Enrichment
Computer carts
English literacy interventionist
Science lab
STEAM (science; technology; engineering; arts; mathematics)
Arts Enrichment
Arts residency
Instrumental music
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA)
Writing or poetry
Visual and performing arts (grades PreK-5)
Instrumental music (grades 4-5) -
Student Support Programs
Family liaison
Social worker
School Data
Application Data
General education entry grade seats per application: 19%-
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are required by state law and are intended to provide families with important information.
School Accountability Highlights
Published annually by SFUSD to provide access to key data points and three-year trends related to student achievement and school culture-climate. The highlights are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, and Vietnamese.
Social-Emotional and Culture Climate Report
SFUSD annually surveys families and school staff on a range of school climate indicators that have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The social-emotional learning of students in grades 4-12 is also assessed.
Contact Info
400 Sargent Street, San Francisco, CA, 94132 -
Phone Number
415-469-4726 -
Fax Number
415-584-7972 -
Email -