George Peabody Elementary School

More about this school

  • School Type

    Elementary School (K, 1-5)
  • Estimated Enrollment

  • Principal

    • Willem Vroegh
  • Hours

    Mo - Tu: 7:50 am-2:05 pm
    We: 7:50 am-12:50 pm
    Th - Fr: 7:50 am-2:05 pm
  • School Tour

    Tours for  24/25 enrollment will begin on Wednesday, October 25.

    Tours are on Wednesdays and run from 9:00 AM-10:15 AM.

    Please arrive by 8:55 AM and enter on 6th Ave.

    The SFUSD tour reservation system is not live yet but we will have plenty of space available to accommodate families interested in visiting George Peabody!




    Sign up for a school tour at

  • This School Feeds Into

  • Neighborhood

    Inner Richmond
  • School Meals

    Breakfast, Lunch, After School Supper

    View menus at

  • School Code

  • George Peabody is a successful, safe, and small elementary school with a family-feel located in San Francisco's Inner Richmond neighborhood. Our talented and experienced staff provides each student with meaningful learning experiences through purposeful instruction and a well articulated curriculum. We work to ensure that all students learn the skills and knowledge needed to build the foundation to lead successful lives and become productive citizens. We also strive to ensure that every student leaves George Peabody with a positive elementary school experience full of fond memories, close friendships, a love of learning, and a curiosity of the world beyond San Francisco.

    We provide many unique learning opportunities to educate the whole child. These include our social emotional learning curriculum Kimochis, PeabodyOutside (based on Education Outside program), PeabodyWorks (a physical and character education program inspired by our partnership with Playworks) and a well articulated arts curriculum. Additionally, our students can participate in a variety of afterschool programs run by our PTA.  

    Our community is made stronger through monthly community building events organized by our PTA and spirit days planned by the Student Council.


     School Tours

    Udated 2/28/25

    There will be one final tour for the 26/26 enrollment season on Tuesday 3/25 at 9:00 AM.

    Please visit to register for a tour. In the meantime, you are welcome review a GP school tour webinar presentation(link is external).


    SFUSD Virtual Enrollment Fair & In-person Enrollment Workshops

    Please visit the SFUSD website for information about Enrollment Fairs & Workshops.


  • After School Programs

    2:05-6:00 on-site daily run by the Richmond Neighborhood Center. For assistance, please email or call (415) 751-6600. We have a bus to the JCC and to the Booker T Community Center. Fee based(scholarships available) PTA after school enrichment classes are offered daily from 2:05-3:05.
  • Special Education Programs

    • Resource Specialist Program Services
    • Separate class - Mild/moderate
    We have two SDC classes in 21/22; a k-2 and 3-5 MM
  • School Day Academic Enrichment

    • Computer carts
    • Education Outside
    • English literacy interventionist
    • Tutoring in school
  • Arts Enrichment

    • Dance
    • Music program
    • Performing arts
    • Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA)
    • Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Teachers
    • Visual arts
    We have an articulated arts program (music, dance, visual and performing arts). We work with SFUSD VAPA teachers and hired consultants for semester to year long instruction in the above disciplines. We have a partnership with the SF Opera and have opera programs and residencies for grades k-3. Dance in the Schools through the SF Ballet for grades 2&3.
School Data

Application Data

General education entry grade seats per application: 6%
Contact Info


Map showing the location of the school.
George Peabody Elementary School
K, 1-5
251 6th Avenue, San Francisco, 94118
Get directions(link is external)
Mo - Tu: 7:50 am-2:05 pm
We: 7:50 am-12:50 pm
Th - Fr: 7:50 am-2:05 pm