Dolores Huerta Elementary School

More about this school

  • School Type

    Early Education, Elementary School (TK, K, 1-5)
  • Estimated Enrollment

  • Principal

    • Edward Garnica
  • Hours

    Mo: 8:40 am–2:55 pm
    Tu: 8:40 am–2:55 pm
    We: 8:40 am–1:40 pm
    Th: 8:40 am–2:55 pm
    Fr: 8:40 am–2:55 pm
    • PreK 

      • M-T-Th-F 8:40am-2:55pm
      • Wednesday 8:40-1:40pm
  • School Tour

    Tours are on Friday mornings 8:20 a.m. Visit is external).

    Sign up for a school tour at

  • Uniforms Policy

    The school uniform is a heather gray shirt with black pants or a black skirt. The only logo allowed on a shirt is the Dolores Huerta Elementary logo.

  • This School Feeds Into

  • Neighborhood

    Glen Park
  • School Bus

  • School Meals

    Breakfast, Lunch, After School Supper

    View menus at

  • School Code

  • Our mission is to provide students with high academic standards in an environment that validates their culture and their potential. As part of our commitment to social justice and equity, we commit to providing appropriate support and services to all of our students. We are a group of committed educators who work collaboratively in order to deliver a rigorous standards-based curriculum using instructional practices that promote higher levels of learning. We promote and teach the values of bilingualism, biliteracy, and multiculturalism—all 21st century skills. We believe that providing students a dual Spanish immersion program and opportunity to learn in two languages will help them better understand each other. We believe in enabling and empowering children and their families to succeed by utilizing all school resources when the need arises. We seek to deliver on our promise to educate the whole child through academic content and enrichment activities in order to achieve success in a global society.

    Students, staff, and parents identify our extracurricular activities (Capoeira, Ballet Folklorico, drama, art, gardening, field trips, schoolwide celebrations and festivals) as contributing to adventurous learning and creating joyful students. Additionally, our use of student-centered behavior support programs creates a safe, stable environment. Dolores Huerta Elementary enjoys a close working relationship with the after-school program, Mission YMCA.The YMCA staff works closely with Dolores Huerta Elementary staff to ensure extended learning opportunities. YMCA includes not only homework assistance, but everyday enrichment activities that including science, arts and crafts, music, cooking, sports, nutrition, theater, gardening, and leadership. Dolores Huerta Elementary and YMCA work hand-in-hand to create relationships amongst and between all school events. We believe in promoting creativity, and we value diversity.

  • Before School Programs

    YMCA - Fee based, 7:00 - 8:15 a.m.
  • After School Programs

    YMCA- a blended fee based/ ExCEl afterschool program 2:40-6:00 p.m.
  • Language Programs

    • Spanish Dual Language Immersion
    • Spanish Dual Language Learner Pre-Kindergarten
  • Special Education Programs

    • Resource Specialist Program Services
    • Separate class - Moderate/severe
    Separate class - Moderate/severe for K-5
  • School Day Academic Enrichment

    • Computer carts
    • Education Outside
    • Other
    • Playworks
  • Arts Enrichment

    • Drama
    • Instrumental music
    • Performing arts
    • Visual arts
    Visual and performing artists (PreK-3: Drama, grades 4-5: visual art), instrumental music (grades 4-5), residency consultants (varied)
School Data
Contact Info


Map showing the location of the school.
Dolores Huerta Elementary School
TK, K, 1-5
65 Chenery Street, San Francisco, 94131
Get directions(link is external)
Mo: 8:40 am–2:55 pm
Tu: 8:40 am–2:55 pm
We: 8:40 am–1:40 pm
Th: 8:40 am–2:55 pm
Fr: 8:40 am–2:55 pm