

Every student at Daniel Webster receives 45 minutes of Art each week.  During this time, students are able to dive into various artistic concepts to design and create their own masterpieces.  We have two art teachers at Daniel Webster 

  • Terri Scheid - scheidt@sfusd.edu  - teaches 2nd, 3rd & 4th/5th grade
  • Christina Quiroz - quirozc@sfusd.edu -teachers Kindergarten & 1st grade

Physical Education

Every student at Daniel Webster receives 45 minutes per week of Physical Education based on of the California PE Content Standards.  This is separate from in-class movement breaks and outdoor recess.  We have an in-house PE teacher who teaches all grade

  • Patricia Theel - theelp@sfusd.edu - teaches Kindergarten-5th grade 


Students go to the library once a week to check out books and join read-a-louds with our librarian, Cecilia McDonagh.  They also use library time to work on classroom projects and various technology and coding programs. 

Students can also go to the library during their recess time for makers space- a workshop where they use their creativity and imagination to build and design lots of cool things!

  • Cecilia McDonagh- mcdonaghc@sfusd.edu - School Librarian for all grades 


Our 4th and 5th graders have the opportunity to play an instrument of their choice every Thursday during designated music classes in our Auditorium.  

  • Ed Landels - landelse1@sfusd.edu - Music teacher for 4th & 5th grade
music schedule

Drama + Theatre

Our Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders have the opportunity to strengthen their performance skills through Drama & Theatre with a local non profit called Stagewrite.  

  • Elana Lagerquist - elana@stagewrite.org - Executive Director 

This page was last updated on September 16, 2022