Fourth Grade Teachers


Hi CIS Families!

I am thrilled to be part of the CIS community. My name is Minyi (Katie) Chen. I was born and raised in Kaiping, a city in Southern China. Growing up, I primarily learned Mandarin at school, and picked up Cantonese through daily conversations, television, and movies, and began learning English in upper Elementary School. Being fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English has given me a deep appreciation for the opportunities in connecting people and teaching at immersion schools and programs. I believe in the value of bilingual education and am passionate about helping students navigate and thrive in our multilingual world.

Growing up, math was always my favorite subject. I enjoyed the process of learning new concepts and solving problems. I look forward to the opportunity to create a positive learning experience for all students. I believe that every student is capable of learning, and I always remind them that mistakes are not setbacks but valuable opportunities for growth and understanding.

I earned my BA in Child and Adolescent Development from SF State in 2020. Afterward, I taught at a Mandarin immersion private school for two years. I then decided to pursue a teaching credential and a master degree in Curriculum and Instruction. During this time, I completed my student teaching at West Portal and Starr King Elementary Schools. Last year, after obtaining my teaching credential, I worked as a long term substitute teacher at West Portal Elementary School, where I taught second and third grade in the Chinese immersion program. I had the opportunity to learn from my mentor teachers at West Portal, where they started the first Cantonese immersion program in the city.

In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, exploring new places with my family and friends and caring for plants.

I look forward to working with you and your child this school year and to a year full of learning, joy and growth.


I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Bobby Dulai. I recently moved to San Francisco (again) from Los Angeles, where I taught 5th grade for many years at a high performing elementary school in Bel-air. I come to CIS with 13 colorful years of teaching experience both in middle and elementary school. I was born and raised in Texas, and I completed my undergraduate studies at Texas A & M, and my masters at San Francisco State University. I enjoy reading, running half marathons, finding a great latte, spending time with my family, and exploring new cities through travel.

My philosophy of teaching is that all children can learn if given the right opportunities. I strive to provide an atmosphere that is safe, encouraging and full of chances for discovery, growth and practice. I have high expectations for all of my students because I believe that if I set the bar high, students will reach for it. I am aware that each child enters the classroom with unique experiences, backgrounds, talents and skills. I do my best to meet each child where they are and challenge them to grow to the next level of development.

Lastly, I want you to know I love my profession and I care very much for your child. My main interest is to do what is best for them. I look forward to getting to know both you and your child as we learn and grow together throughout the semester! Please feel free to contact me at anytime, I am here for you.


I was born and grew up in the beautiful southern city of Guangzhou, China. My mother and father labored arduously to send me to college at a very young age. I was so proud to be able to go to college because at that time many did not have the opportunity. I quickly discovered I had an enormous passion for learning. I was very dedicated to my studies, and my instructors and professors at the university took notice of my exceptional dedication. I was soon offered a posi- tion as an associate professor teaching literature in the college. I am gifted with a special pas- sion for learning, and I am always looking for the most advanced knowledge even if it's not easy.

I shared my passion for learning with my students, and still to this day I receive correspondence from them. I now feel it is an honor to bring my passion and dedication for learning to the United States. I am excited to be a second grade teacher at Chinese Immersion School at De Avila. I can share my gifts and tal- ents with the students and together we can create a better and more responsible world for all. I hope my efforts will leave a positive and lasting influence on our community.

In my spare time, I love to exercise. My favorite sports are badminton, tennis, Ping-Pong and hiking. I also love calligraphy and hope to share this hobby with our students!

This page was last updated on August 16, 2024