Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Link to this section

We are asking SFUSD students and families to confirm their eligibility status for the federal McKinney-Vento Act resources and services by reviewing the information and completing the housing survey below.

Understanding the federal McKinney-Vento Act: Link to this section

The McKinney-Vento Act requires SFUSD to help students who are experiencing housing instability or homelessness. This includes:

  1. Immediate Enrollment: Students can enroll in school right away, even if they don't have proof of residence or other required documents.
  2. School Stability: Students can stay in their school of origin (the school they attended when they became homeless or the school they last attended) if it's in their best interest. 
  3. Transportation Assistance: Students can request transportation support to and from their school of origin.
  4. Free School Meals: Students are automatically eligible for school benefits(link is external).
  5. Priority Enrollment for After-School Programs: Students get priority for after-school programs.
  6. Referrals to Other Resources and Support Services: Students can be referred to additional resources and services.

Who is eligible? 

Students who live in the following situations:

  • Temporarily living in a motel, hotel, or single-room occupancy (SRO)** due to loss of housing, economic hardship, natural disaster, or similar reasons.
  • Temporarily living with another family due to loss of housing, economic hardship, natural disaster, lack of adequate housing, or similar reasons (also known as "doubled-up" or "tripled-up").
  • Living in a car, park, trailer park, campground, abandoned building, on the streets, or other inadequate accommodations, such as places without water, electricity, or heat.
  • Living in a shelter, including family shelters, domestic violence shelters, youth shelters, or transitional living programs.
  • Living with friends or family because they have run away or are unaccompanied youth.

How to confirm your student(s) eligibility: Please complete the housing survey by: Link to this section

If you have questions about your student's eligibility, contact our team below.

Email Us(link sends email)

This page was last updated on September 18, 2024