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SF Summer Resource Fair 2025!

The San Francisco Summer Resource Fair(link is external) is happening on February 22, 2025! This is a free event, where over 100 summer programs, camps, and services for youth K-8 will be highlighted. It will be located at the County Fair Building (1199 9th Avenue S.F., CA), 11a-2p.

For more information visit the website here: is external)

For questions, please contact DCYF's Summer Resource Fair Lead, Emily Davis ( sends email))

Free Tutoring (Virtual/In-Person) from CEP

Community Education Partnerships (CEP)(link is external) offers FREE educational support to students in the Bay Area who are experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity. Services include: 

  • 1-on-1 tutoring (virtual and/or in person) for Middle and High School students
  • Events (ex. parent night, back-to-school night)
  • School supplies, backpacks, books

For further inquiries, please visit - 
email: sends email)
phone: (510) 588-9750

SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship Program - Open Now!

The SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship Program(link is external) is for 12th grade students who have experienced homelessness in the last 6 years and would like to succeed in higher education and/or the workforce.

  • $2,500 scholarship award & monthly stipends of up to $100 throughout college!
  • 1-on-1 support from SchoolHouse Connection staff
  • 3 All-expenses-paid trips!

Application Due June 2, 2025, selected applicants announced August 2025

Who is eligible for McKinney-Vento support? Link to this section

Students who live:

  • Temporarily living in a motel, hotel or single-room occupancy (SRO) due to loss of housing, economic hardship, natural disaster, or similar reason
  • Temporarily living with another family(s) due to loss of housing, economic hardship, natural disaster, lack of adequate housing, or similar reason (aka “doubled-up” or “tripled up”) 
  • Living in a car, park, trailer park, campground, abandoned building, on the streets, or other inadequate accommodations (i.e., lack of water, electricity, or heat)
  • In a shelter (family, domestic violence, youth shelter, or transitional living program)
  • With friends or family because they run away or are an unaccompanied youth

Share your housing status with SFUSD! Link to this section

There are 3 ways you can share your housing status:

  1. Upon enrollment (or re-enrollment) to SFUSD
  2. Complete the online Emergency Card available on Parentvue
  3. Complete and submit the housing survey to your school's front office (paper copies are also available in schools). 

Contact the McKinney-Vento Liaison Link to this section

For assistance, please contact:

  • Jaymie Fraizer, the SFUSD McKinney-Vento Liaison
  • Georgia Williams-Bratt, the SF County Office of Education McKinney-Vento Liaison

Email(link sends email)

This page was last updated on March 25, 2025