Link to this section
SF Summer Resource Fair 2025!
The San Francisco Summer Resource Fair is happening on February 22, 2025! This is a free event, where over 100 summer programs, camps, and services for youth K-8 will be highlighted. It will be located at the County Fair Building (1199 9th Avenue S.F., CA), 11a-2p.
For more information visit the website here:
For questions, please contact DCYF's Summer Resource Fair Lead, Emily Davis (
Free Tutoring (Virtual/In-Person) from CEP
Community Education Partnerships (CEP) offers FREE educational support to students in the Bay Area who are experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity. Services include:
- 1-on-1 tutoring (virtual and/or in person) for Middle and High School students
- Events (ex. parent night, back-to-school night)
- School supplies, backpacks, books
For further inquiries, please visit -
phone: (510) 588-9750
SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship Program - Open Now!
The SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship Program is for 12th grade students who have experienced homelessness in the last 6 years and would like to succeed in higher education and/or the workforce.
- $2,500 scholarship award & monthly stipends of up to $100 throughout college!
- 1-on-1 support from SchoolHouse Connection staff
- 3 All-expenses-paid trips!
Application Due June 2, 2025, selected applicants announced August 2025
Who is eligible for McKinney-Vento support? Link to this section
Students who live:
- Temporarily living in a motel, hotel or single-room occupancy (SRO) due to loss of housing, economic hardship, natural disaster, or similar reason
- Temporarily living with another family(s) due to loss of housing, economic hardship, natural disaster, lack of adequate housing, or similar reason (aka “doubled-up” or “tripled up”)
- Living in a car, park, trailer park, campground, abandoned building, on the streets, or other inadequate accommodations (i.e., lack of water, electricity, or heat)
- In a shelter (family, domestic violence, youth shelter, or transitional living program)
- With friends or family because they run away or are an unaccompanied youth
Share your housing status with SFUSD! Link to this section
There are 3 ways you can share your housing status:
- Upon enrollment (or re-enrollment) to SFUSD
- Complete the online Emergency Card available on Parentvue
- Complete and submit the housing survey to your school's front office (paper copies are also available in schools).
Housing Survey Link to this section
Contact the McKinney-Vento Liaison Link to this section
For assistance, please contact:
- Jaymie Fraizer, the SFUSD McKinney-Vento Liaison
- Georgia Williams-Bratt, the SF County Office of Education McKinney-Vento Liaison
This page was last updated on March 25, 2025