Lowell High School

Founded in 1856 in San Francisco, Lowell High School is the oldest public high school west of the Mississippi. It is ranked as one of the highest performing public high schools in California, and has been recognized 4 times as a National Blue Ribbon School, 8 times as a California Distinguished School, and one time as a Gold Ribbon School. Lowell has been consistently ranked #1 in the Western Region for the number of Advanced Placement Exams given.

Marshall Elementary School

Marshall Elementary School is a small community school dedicated to providing a rigorous core curriculum in a positive learning environment. We are full K-5 Spanish Two-Way Immersion program. Our program provides native English speakers and native Spanish speakers the opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate, with the goal that students will be at grade level in both languages by the end of 5th grade. Our academic focus is on English and Spanish language development.

Thurgood Marshall Academic High School

Founded in 1994, Thurgood Marshall Academic High School is a four-year college preparatory high school with a diverse student body in southeast San Francisco.  With an eight-period schedule, students choose an extra course in the daily routine to challenge themselves and expand their options. Students take core and elective courses, including AP courses, which meet all UC and CSU admission requirements. Students enjoy access to a refurbished and expanded College & Career Center, a fully staffed Wellness Center, a Peer Resources Program, and multiple extracurricular activities.

Frank McCoppin Elementary School

McCoppin Elementary School is a multi-award winning, high-achieving school in the Inner Richmond, a short walk from Golden Gate Park. We believe equity and social justice are achieved when all students are taught with deep attention to their specific needs. We deliver this individualized approach through our diverse support staff of a speech clinician, a school psychologist, a social worker, and a Resources Special Program (RSP) teacher with a paraeducator.

McKinley Elementary School

Located in the heart of San Francisco, McKinley is a small school serving a diverse group of children from many areas of the city. McKinley's administration and staff are committed to building a school climate in which all children feel safe and are encouraged to express themselves. Our philosophy is that every child can achieve, and our teachers and staff take responsibility for challenging every student to learn. We recognize that students come with diverse assets, and strive to help every student achieve his or her highest potential.

John McLaren Early Education School

Our TK program is designed to bridge the preschool learning environment with that of the traditional kindergarten classroom. It is taught by multiple subject credentialed teachers who blend preschool and kindergarten instructional practices in order to meet the individual needs of each child. The instructional day is from 8:40 AM to 2:55 PM. Out of School Time (OST) Care is available at other school sites. Currently our school site does not have an OST program for our TK students.