4.2.7 Progress Reports and Report Cards

Progress Reports and Report Cards

Report cards with final marks shall be issued at the end of the marking period (semester/quarter depending on the grade level). Each student's achievement shall be evaluated throughout each marking period.

At all grade levels, academic progress will be provided to parents/guardians prior to the final grade posting for the course and may include reports of student progress on specific academic standards applicable to the course and grade level, or letter grades as described in Administrative Regulation. Such reports may come in the form of mailed documents, electronic communications, and/or parent conferences. 

Whenever it becomes evident to a teacher that a student is in danger of failing a course, the teacher shall arrange a conference with the student's parent/guardian or send the parent/guardian a written report. The refusal of the parent to attend the conference, or to respond to the written report, shall not preclude failing the student at the end of the grading period.  (CA Education Code 49067)(SFUSD Board Policy 5121)


This page was last updated on July 16, 2024