Parent Information Updates 9/2/20 Link to this section

Dear SFUSD Families:

As you may have heard, the City announced that they have begun to review applications of TK-6 in-person learning with limited capacity. Some of you may be wondering what this means for SFUSD schools. Before submitting an application for in-person instruction for students, SFUSD must prepare a staff testing plan; staff who will work in-person will need to be trained; students and families must be informed; schools need a minimum of 3 months of PPE; labor agreements need to be in place; and the Board of Education must approve. This FAQ provides more information. 

Please keep reading today’s digest for more important updates.


Return these Forms Each Year for Your Child’s School 

Every year families are asked to submit forms to their child’s school. You may have received some from your school already. This year more forms are online and accessible through ParentVue. If you need a ParentVUE account, please contact your school site for an activation key. For parents who do not have an activated ParentVue account, SFUSD will be reaching out by mail. 

  • Emergency Card Form
    • Log in to ParentVUE and click “Online Forms” to get started. By completing your emergency card you will be able to update your student’s health information, emergency contacts, and upload health forms and immunization records. You will also be able to update your contact information including your phone number, email address, and mailing address. Please visit for step-by-step instructions. If you already submitted a paper emergency card to your school, no further action is required. 
  • Important Family Rights to Acknowledge

    • Submit and/or download the following Family Rights forms:
      • Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
      • Consent for Video Recording during Virtual Class
      • Media Consent 
      • Information about the Multipurpose Family Income Form
    • Simply log in to ParentVUE and these “Acknowledgements” will pop up on your screen. Please read the instructions which will be available in all six languages. For more information, please visit
  • Reminder: Please Submit the Multipurpose Family Income Form 

    • It is still essential that all SFUSD families complete the Multipurpose Family Income form for the 20-21 school year.  Even if your child does not eat school meals, please submit this form to secure classroom funding. Submit online at

Good News: Grab & Go Meals are now Free for ALL Students

  • Starting September 1st, SFUSD’s grab and go meal program is free for all students again. Previously we communicated that students who don’t qualify for free or reduced-priced meals would be charged. 
  • Thanks to a recent policy change by the USDA, the meal program is now free for all students regardless of income eligibility.
  • Every Wednesday, 10:30-12, a bag of 5 days' worth of meals (including breakfast, lunch, supper, fresh fruits and vegetables, and milk) is available for each student.  For locations and more information on what to bring to pick up meals, visit
  • Some families have expressed that the meal pick up time does not work for them. 
  • Add Your Voice: What Meal Pickup Time Works for You?
    • Student Nutrition Services has heard from many families that the current meal pickup window of 10:30-12 is not convenient due to school schedules. We are conducting a survey to gather your feedback on what meal pickup times work for you. Fill out the survey by 9/8.(link is external)

SFUSD Family Technology Webinars start September 3

  • To support distance learning this fall, the SFUSD Department of Technology is partnering with the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Public Library to provide Family Technology webinars to our families to help them support their students' basic technical needs throughout distance learning. 
  • Our first scheduled webinar is "SFUSD Device Set-Up: Chromebooks and WiFi Hotspots". Join us on YouTube Live on Thursday September 3 from 6pm-7pm. For more details visit

Your child has a library card 

  • On Tuesday, September 1, SF Public Library emailed library card numbers to all SFUSD students.
  • SFUSD librarians are working with your child's teacher to help students activate their library cards, check out eBooks, and place holds on print books at "SFPL to Go" locations throughout the city.
  • SFUSD librarians have curated hyperlinked lists of recommended titles(link is external) that your students can check out. Please find these lists and other resources at our temporary site, is external)


SF Loves Learning TV Show Season 2 begins Sept. 14

  • Beginning Monday, Sept. 14, we will be airing an hour long episode at 2 p.m. on weekdays on KTVU Plus, aimed toward PK-2nd grade students.

  • The show will provide daily culturally affirming academic, social emotional, movement, and creative content from SFUSD educators, students, families, and community partners.

  • The show will model SFUSD's Core values, develop students' Graduate Profile (life) skills, and provide opportunities to showcase their work.

  • SFUSD will post segments of each episode on the day it is airing on the SFUSD YouTube Channel, which will be linked from the SFUSD website(link is external). You can find all past episodes on our website.
  • How to watch KTVU Plus on TV:
    • Broadcast Channel - 36
    • AT&T - 1006
    • Comcast - 6 / 706
    • DirectTV - 36
    • DISH - 36
    • WAVE - 92 / 201

Board to Vote on New Student Assignment Policy for Elementary Schools in December 2020

If the Board adopts a new policy in December 2020, it would likely go into effect for students enrolling in Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. To learn more and be part of the process, start here: What’s Happening with Student Assignment


ELAC Meetings Link to this section

English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) this year due to Distance Learning, will have 2 meetings/month to accommodate families in the mornings and evenings.  Join us on Wednesday, 9/8 at 4pm or Friday, 9/11 at 10:30am.  Looking forward to seeing you!  

MEETING SLIDE DECK(link is external)


AAPAC Meetings Link to this section

African-American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC) has already had a jump start for the school year meeting before school started!  Please join us for our second AAPAC meeting of the school year on Tuesday, 9/1 at 6pm.  Zoom link to follow from Dante Calloway, Family Engagement Coordinator.


Coffee with Admin Link to this section

Coffee with Admin 6- week series: Denman will be hosting Coffee with Admin for 6 weeks every Friday at 9am until Friday, September 25th. 

Each session will offer a specific workshop for families, including Wellness, Academic Supports, Technology and Distance Learning Supports.  Upon completion of the series, we will resume our regular schedule of Coffee with Admin on the first Friday of each month.  We have enjoyed seeing so many families virtually.  


This page was last updated on June 3, 2021