Denman Tardy Policy Link to this section

Attendance Office:  Ms. Francisca (Celia) Castaneda-Ortiz Link to this section

415.469.4535 | castaneda-ortizf@sfusd.edu Link to this section

Policies in Spanish and Chinese(link is external)


The attendance policy is dictated by the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD).  More information regarding Attendance may be found in the SFUSD Student and Family Handbook. 

ABSENCE:  A student absent from school is considered either Excused or Unexcused.  Both types of absences appear on the student’s Attendance Profile Report.

Reporting an Absence: 

  • CALL the school Attendance Office in the morning prior to the start of school at 9:30am at 415-469-4535.  Provide the student’s name, grade, parent/guardian contact phone number and Advisory teacher’s name (if known)
  • EMAIL the school: sch632@sfusd.edu(link sends email) in the morning prior to the start of the school at 9:30am.  Provide the student’s name, grade, parent/guardian contact phone number and Advisory teacher’s name (if known)
  • Send the student with an excuse note and/or doctor's note to the school Attendance Office within 3 days of the absence date*.  

Any absences not supported with a day of absence phone call and/or an excuse note will be considered unexcused.  *Any excuses for an absence that are submitted 4 days or more after the absence date MAY NOT be considered as an Excused Absence.

Absence for Vacation:  Absences due to the student being on vacation are considered Unexcused.

TARDY:  A student is considered tardy when they arrive at school after 9:30 am.  

  • Any students arriving at school after 9:45 am (15 minutes past the bell) are to report to the school Attendance Office to obtain a Tardy Pass (excused and unexcused) before reporting to their class.  Students will not be allowed to enter the classroom without a Tardy Pass.
  • Once the student obtains their Tardy Pass they are expected to report straight to their class.
  • Late to Class Periods during the day:  If a student reports to class late 15 minutes or more, the student must provide the teacher with either:  1. A Hall Pass from a school staff member.

             2. A Tardy Pass from the school Attendance Office or Main Office..

  • You may report a student tardy to school in the same way you report an absence. (See Reporting an Absence)

EARLY RELEASE/DISMISSAL:  Students are allowed to be dismissed early from school with permission from their parent/guardian. Due to staff obligations, students WILL NOT be released early between 3:45 pm-4:00 pm, except in cases of emergency and/or they have been issued a Permit To Leave slip.  Thank you for your cooperation.

To request your child to be released early from school you may:

  • Send the student with a written and parent/guardian signed note the day they need to leave early, indicating the student’s name, the time they need to be released, parent/guardian contact phone number and submit to the school Attendance Office in the morning to obtain a Permit To Leave slip.
  • Call the school in the morning the day they need to leave early, providing the student’s name, the time they need to be released, parent/guardian name, parent/guardian contact number.

 The student must obtain a Permit to Leave slip prior to leaving the school.

TRUANT:  Students will appear on a Truancy List when they accumulate 18 PERIODS of any of the following attendance:  absent, unexcused absence, tardy, unexcused tardy, tardy 30 minutes or more.

  • Families that receive an SFUSD Truancy Letter may contact the school Attendance Office to make an appointment to review and correct any attendance.
  • The school will request an attendance meeting with the family if a student becomes truant. 
  • When 3 Truancy Letters are generated for a student and there has been no contact from the parent/guardian regarding the student’s attendance, the school will move forward to the next step in the attendance protocol process through the SFUSD.

If you have any questions or concerns about the attendance of your child please feel free to call, email, or stop by Ms. Cataneda-Ortiz’s office (RM116), and she will assist you.

This page was last updated on September 7, 2021