Professional Learning

Vision for Adult Learning Communities Link to this section

We believe that change happens through collaborative teams. Through the thoughtful use of these tools and resources, learning communities can work toward the vision below. 

adult learning

All teachers in a learning community will work together to

  • Continue to deepen our practice of collaboration;
  • Treat teaching as groupworthy; 
  • Take collective responsibility for the department and all students, holding high expectations and a common vision for what it means to be a math learner; 
  • Continue to work towards strengthening collective knowledge of content and of teaching within and across grade levels through reflection and refinement; 
  • Each year, attend to community safety (in order to be vulnerable) and to building on each other’s unique strengths, so that our team grows and develops, working towards sustainability.

Developed by the SFUSD Complex Instruction Teacher Facilitator community using readings from Nasir, N. S., Cabana, C., Shreve, B., Woodbury, E., and Louie, N. (Eds.). (2014). Mathematics for Equity: A Framework for Successful Practice. New York: Teachers College Press.

Suggested Agendas for Site-Based Collaboration
Link to this section

Here are four suggested agendas. Choose one based on the amount of time you have at your site and your needs. These agendas focus on Unit 0 or 1 for use on the buyback day, but the basic agenda can be used for any site-based PD during the school year.

2 hours

  • 45 min PD (choose one of the options above)
  • 1.25 hours planning in grade level groups or bands, depending on staff size - Focus on Unit 0 and setting up the math classroom culture.

3 hours

  • 1.5  hour PD (choose two options above)
  • 1.5 hours planning in grade level groups or bands, depending on staff size. Focus on Unit 0 and setting up the math classroom culture.

4 hours

  • 1.5  hour PD  (choose two options above)
  • 1.5 hours planning in grade level groups or bands, depending on staff size. Focus on Unit 0 and setting up the math classroom culture.
  • Planning Unit 1 using the Sample Unit Planning Starting with Expert Task(link is external) agenda or 1 hour make-and-take based on materials needed for Units 0 and 1.

5 hours

  • 1.5  hour PD (choose two options above)
  • 1.5 hours planning in grade level groups or bands, depending on staff size. Focus on Unit 0 and setting up the math classroom culture.
  • 1 hour planning Unit 1 using the Sample Unit Planning Starting with Expert Task(link is external) agenda
  • 1 hour make-and-take based on materials needed for Units 0 and 1.

This page was last updated on June 22, 2023