Math Concept Videos

The math department has produced videos to help you implement the SFUSD Core Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. We currently have three types of videos: Videos that help explain complex math concepts, videos that illustrate the SFUSD Signature Strategies, and videos that introduce some of our preferred technology tools.

On the SFUSD Math YouTube channel(link is external), you can also find a library of video podcasts that preview the mathematics in each unit in the SFUSD Math Core Curriculum (Grades K–5 and for some units in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2).

Multiplication with Decimals, Division of Fractions, Composition and Decomposition

Multiplication with Decimals

This 6-minute video shows how to use Base 10 Blocks to model multiplication of decimals.


Division of Fractions

This 8-minute video discusses how to think conceptually about the division of fractions.


Composition and Decomposition of Number

This 3-minute video discusses composition and decomposition of number from Kindergarten through 3rd grade and beyond. It also explains subitizing and how it supports decomposition of number.

Two-Way Tables: What are they? How are they created? How do we make sense of them? 

The three-part video series below shows how to construct and use two-way tables to summarize bivariate categorical data by displaying frequency and relative frequency for rows and columns and identify patterns of association between the categories.

Part 1: Making a Two-Way Table


Part 2: Relative Frequencies


Part 3: Describing Associations

This page was last updated on June 21, 2023