Technology Purchasing

Technology Purchasing Link to this section

Getting Started

First time making a purchase? Here's the process according to SFUSD standards.

Vendor Contacts

The following our a list of commonly requested vendor contacts as well as internal SFUSD resources for technology recommendations. 

AppleApple Devices, Apple Bundle Price List(link is external) 

Richard Zawatsky, sends email)

Currently, in-app purchases are not allowed.
Arey JonesWindows computers, ChromeBooks, Carts, and MonitorsJenny Suhl, sends email) 
CDW-GTVs, Projectors, Cables, adapters, printers, Adobe licensing and other technology peripherals

Austin Romero, sends email)

CanonCopiers- To inquire about additional copiers for your school site or department, or other services provided by Canon

Jeff Carvalho, sends email) 

OfficeDepot.comBasic classroom materials and printing suppliesChip Congdon, sends email) 
SFUSDDoT Resource for Technology Purchasing Recommendations

Dave Pankenier, sends email)


NOTE: Any devices that are expected to connect to SFUSD Wireless networks must be purchased through approved SFUSD vendors.  Any devices purchased outside these channels may not be supported by the Department of Technology. 

For assistance or recommendations for hardware purchases, please email sends email).

This page was last updated on October 30, 2024