
Technology Donations Link to this section

Minimum specifications for donated technologies

Donated computers  must:

  1. Be within 4 years of manufacture date, 
  2. Be in good working condition and require no repair,
  3. Be able to have any current operating system installed (if applicable), 
    1. Mac OS X 13, through Mac OS X 14 ; Windows 10 through Windows 11
  4. Must support WPA-AES type encryption in order to connect to the SFUSD wireless network (if applicable)



SFUSD’s network security requires that printers:

  1. Have the ability to connect to the SFUSD network with a network cable 


Other notes and Considerations

  • SFUSD does NOT support printers that can only connect to a wireless network and/or are unable to physically connect to the network.


Document Cameras/Projectors/Interactive devices:

  1. Should be within 3 years of manufacture date,
  2. Confirm that all supplemental equipment is included within the donation such as installation and/or sustainable support services. Examples are (but not limited to):
    1. Cables
    2. Adapters
    3. Software discs
    4. Licenses


Other notes and Considerations

  • In most cases these devices will require physical installation or setup
  • Standalone Document Cameras and Projectors are accepted and supported  ONLY if they are in good working order. 


The Department of Technology strongly encourages a partnership prior to any technology procurement process to  ensure successful implementation, support, and maintenance. After reviewing these minimum specifications, please contact sends email) to confirm functionality and alignment to district requirements.

General Considerations and Questions Link to this section

  1. Does the technology require additional services to function as expected such as
    1. hardware or software
      1. If specific hardware or software is a requirement of a curriculum or program, that department needs to check with DoT before the decision is made to implement
      2. Consider: Submit a Help Desk Request 
    2. expertise, 
    3. in-app purchases, 
    4. installation, 
    5. proprietary operational knowledge/experience


  1. What is the expectation for the technology? 
    1. Is there familiarity of the technology by the end user? 
    2. Is there a need for training to use the technology?
    3. Has a specific need or use for it been identified?


  1. Is this a donation of a program or service?
    1. Is it web-based or physical media? 
    2. Does the equipment require adapters, or other third party services?
    3. Consider: Many mobile devices do not have any ability to play physical media. 


  1. What is the fragility or security in relationship to the student use of the technology? 
    1. Consider: Many inexpensive/consumer grade devices are not manufactured to withstand 8 hours of constant use. 
    2. Consider: Single or loose mobile devices should be required to provide a plan or other action steps for security (e.g. cart, locks, plan for storage in secure area)


  1. Who can act as the explicit on-site support for general technology support?
    1. Consider: Many times school sites acquire technology (e.g. iPads) that require more frequent maintenance


Please note: These guidelines are meant to protect schools from accepting donations that may not be helpful to them. In some rare cases, it may be possible to accept donations that deviate slightly from the guidelines. This may be done when: 1.) there is a compelling reason to do so, and 2.) the school works in advance with DoT staff.

This page was last updated on May 22, 2024