7th Annual SFUSD Virtual Paraeducator Institute
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Thank you all for another successful Paraeducator Institute! Do you want to continue your learning? Did you miss some of the workshops? We've compiled all of our recorded PDs and workshops for you to explore independently. Engage in meaningful and relevant professional development designed specifically for you. Workshops will enhance your wisdom and talents to improve student learning and experiences.

You can get paid for your attendance at this institute or for independent learning through the recorded workshops using your 18 Paid Professional Development Hours. Click on the link below for more details on how to get paid.
What is the Paraeducator Institute? Link to this section
The Paraeducator Institute is designed to support paraeducators to feel valued and supported and to allow paraeducators to engage in meaningful and relevant professional development. Workshops will enhance your wisdom and talents to improve student learning and experiences. Attendees can select morning and afternoon workshops to attend to best meet their job needs and professional learning desires. We anticipate 700 paraeducators attending each day.
YOU ARE PAID TO ATTEND THIS INSTITUTE through the 7-Hour Contractual PD Day and/or your 18 Paid Professional Development Hours! Link to this section
Here is information on payment for SFUSD preservice institutes.
- Audience: All SFUSD Paraeducators!
When: August 10-11 (Thursday & Friday), 8:30 am - 4:00 pm: Attend workshops of choice on Zoom.
Facilitators: Members of the Paraeducator Leadership Network (PLN); the PLL team (Professional Learning & Leadership); other SFUSD staff
Where: The Institute is VIRTUAL! Attend from anywhere on your device!
Compensation: SFUSD paras are paid to attend the Para Institute through their 18 Paid PD Hours and/or the 7 Hour Contractual PD Day. Substitute paras do not qualify for the above payment (exception: core sub paras DO qualify). Substitute paras may have the option to attend for pay - contact the substitute office.
Questions? Contact Nora Houseman, Supervisor of Professional Learning & Leadership (HousemanN@sfusd.edu)

Contact Link to this section
For more information, contact Nora Houseman at housemann@sfusd.edu
This page was last updated on August 24, 2023