LGBTQ Student Rights

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LGBTQ Student Rights in SFUSD

In California, public schools are legally mandated to follow education code that supports LGBTQ students, and ensure that schools are safe and inclusive learning environments. San Francisco Unified School District Board Policies affirms California education code and includes additional mandates for schools.

It is our responsibility to:  

  1. Treat students equally, prevent and respond to reports of bullying, harassment, and discrimination, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
  2. Respect students' dress and behavior that does not conform to stereotypes associated with their gender, with respect to the student dress code.
  3. Provide LGBTQ-inclusive social studies, history and comprehensive sexual health education.
  4. Address students using the name and pronoun that reflects who they are and use language that respects that. 
  5. Provide access to school activities, spaces such as locker rooms and restrooms, that fit with their gender identity.
  6. Implement and provide access to gender-neutral restrooms, dress code policies, and classroom practices.
  7. Provide students opportunities to speak out about LGBTQ issues, including wearing LGBTQ-affirming t-shirts, stickers and bracelets, and access information about LGBTQ issues on school computers, and to bring same-gender dates to prom.
  8. Support the formation of Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) clubs or similar LGBTQ-related student clubs.
  9. Respect student’s individual choice to be "out" and be themselves at school, and seek their permission of when and to whom staff can discuss their LGBTQ identity.
  10. Recognize student’s consent to sensitive LGBTQ or sexual health-related services without seeking permission from caregiver/parent, if they are age 12 or older.
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This page was last updated on July 28, 2023