School Policies


As much as possible, we want our students on time and in school from the beginning of the school day to the end.  Every minute of instruction counts and even missing 30 minutes here and there can have a big impact on their education and their sense of belonging at school! However, we do understand that sometimes they will be out. Please read below for important information about our attendance protocols:

  1. Tardies: If your child is late to school, please make sure to stop at the office so they can get a tardy pass to give to their teacher.
  2. Absences: If your child needs to be absent, please call or email Ms. Starlette at (415) 695-5656 or 
    1. Excused Absences: 
      1. Illness 
      2. Family Emergency 
      3. Funeral 
      4. Dental/Doctor’s appointments 
      5. Cultural/Religious Events 
    2. Unexcused absences: 
      1. Grades K-5: Missing a full day of school, being tardy 30 or more minutes for a reason other than what is listed above. 
      2. Grades 6-8: Missing a full day of school, a class period, or being tardy 30 or more minutes within any class period of the school day for a reason other than what is listed above
      3. Please note that vacations, even if you have given the school notice, are not excused absences.  
    3. Truancy Letters: 
      1. The district will automatically send a truancy letter to the email/address on synergy for every 3 unexcused absences a student has. 
        1. If the absences should be excused, please contact Ms. Starlette to clear it up, but please note that chronic absenteeism includes both excused AND unexcused absences.  
  3. Early Pick Ups: Please avoid picking up early as much as possible as it is disruptive to your child's learning and to school operations. However, if you do need to pick up early:  
    1. Please come into the office and sign out your child. School staff will locate your child once you are in the office. Please do not call ahead of time to ask that students be sent down early. 
    2. Please understand that sometimes it may take some time to locate students because they may be outside the classroom  at Library, PE, lunch or at recess and every classroom has a slightly different schedule.  
    3. Please note that requests for pickups within the last 10 minutes of the school day may not be granted and instead you will be directed to the yard students are dismissing from.  

Thank you for your partnership in having our students in class learning every day and all day! 


Healthy Eating

We wanted to remind our community that Paul Revere operates in accordance with SFUSD’s health and wellness policy and therefore we have 3 school expectations for students to follow: 

  1. Eat Your Own Food: Students are not allowed to share food because many of our students have serious allergies and we want to avoid someone unintentionally giving a friend something they are allergic to. 
  2. Eat Healthy Foods: Paul Revere follows SFUSD’s health and wellness policy which prohibits students from bringing sodas, drinks with sugar, candy and unhealthy snacks such as Taki’s, Flaming Hot Cheetos, any other spicy chips, hostess cupcakes and any other high sugar sweets (cookies, donuts,twinkies, etc) to school.  
  3. Keep Backpacks in the Classroom: To prevent personal items from being damaged, stolen or lost, we don’t allow students to bring their backpacks out to the yards at recess or lunch. This also prevents the sharing of large amounts of food.  If your child needs their backpack because it is holding their lunch, they will be offered a large ziplock bag to hold all their items. 


If a student has an item that is not allowed, school staff will remind them they can’t eat those foods in school and to put them away or throw them away.  Students will then be directed to get school snacks and lunches instead if they are hungry.  If it happens repeatedly, students will be asked to give the items to an adult and the items will be returned only to a parent or guardian. And lastly, if the problem persists, we will set up meetings with families to discuss a support plan.  

We appreciate your support in this and know that together we can help our young people understand the expectations and follow the rules! Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. 

This page was last updated on July 10, 2024