Extended Calendar Requests (ECR) Link to this section
Be sure to read the full guidelines & instructions:
SFSD's Guidelines & Procedures for Requesting Extended Calendar Hours - included as part of SFSD's overall Purchasing & Expenditures Guidelines.
- Staff: Extended hours should be approved before you work that time or there is no guarantee you will be paid for that time.
- Supervisors/managers: find more info & resources on the landing page for Central Leaders.
Quick links for Extended Calendar Requests:
- Classified Staff: Classified Overtime Report
- Certificated Staff: Certificated Request for Extended Calendar
- Using Emergency Class Coverage funds for certificated staff: The employee’s supervisor must follow guidance for EMPowerSF
- Extended Hours / ECR paid by a site or department outside of Student and Family Services Division: the payor must maintain the roster of employees that have earned extended calendar or stipends using this form: EXTCAL: Non-Supervisor [TEMPLATE]
Prop G Professional Development Link to this section
The Prop G/Fair Wage for Educators Act pays for 18 hours of Professional Development.
Employees enter Prop G hours as a Time Off Request in EMPowerSF.
For more information, check out the EMpowerSF guide: Time Entry for Professional Development Hours
This page was last updated on June 2, 2023