School Meals

What's for breakfast? What's for lunch?



Student Nutrition Services (SNS) is committed to providing students the equitable support they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond, by keeping them nourished along the way.

School meals are free for all SFUSD students starting in the 2021-2022 school year
Thanks to Federal waivers, we are able to provide no cost school meals for all students starting in the 2021-2022 school year

Save time and money next year by having your children take advantage of free school meals! Their participation keeps Federal funds here in San Francisco and supports the meal program to improve and expand.

Because all meals are free, SNS will be moving away from accepting cash at many schools this year. If you would like for your students to purchase items we ask that you set up an account.

This page was last updated on October 7, 2021