Shoolyard Rules and Regulations

Community Use Playground Rules and Regulations Link to this section

Community Use Playground Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations apply to all community playgrounds under the jurisdiction and control of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). These guidelines ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all users. Violating any of the rules outlined below is prohibited.

  1. Hours of Operation:
    1. School Days: Playground access is restricted to SFUSD students and staff during school hours.
    2. Weekends and Holidays: Playgrounds are open to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or as designated by SFUSD.
  2. Assumption of Risk: 
    Use of SFUSD playgrounds is at your own risk. SFUSD assumes no liability for injury or theft.
  3. Age Restrictions:
    1. Individuals over 12 years of age are not permitted on playground structures designed for younger children.
    2. All children under 12 years of age must have adult supervision while using the playground facilities.
  4. Prohibited Items and Activities:
    1. No bicycles, vehicles, skates, skateboards, or scooters are permitted in the play area.
    2. All types of tobacco are prohibited on SFUSD property.
    3. Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited on SFUSD property.
    4. All types of fires are strictly prohibited on SFUSD property.
    5. No dumping of waste or inappropriate behavior in the play area.
    6. No camping of any kind is allowed on the Schoolyard or any SFUSD property.
  5. Animal Policy:
    1. No animals are allowed in the play area, except for service dogs.
    2. No animals are allowed on synthetic turf areas, except for service dogs.
  6. Environmental Protection:
    1. Vandalism: No person shall vandalize public property, including damaging or defacing playground structures, trees, plants, or other amenities.
    2. Natural Features: No person, other than a duly authorized city employee or agent, shall damage, cut, carve, transplant, or remove any tree, plant, or flower, or injure the bark, pick flowers, or seeds of any plant. Damaging the natural beauty of the playground area is prohibited.
    3. Wildlife: No person shall hunt, molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, chase, tease, shoot, or throw missiles or objects at any animal, reptile, or bird. Removal or possession of the young, eggs, or nests of animals or birds is also prohibited.
  7. Leave No Trace: 
    Always dispose of trash properly. Use trash and recycling receptacles where provided. In areas without receptacles, please take all recyclables and trash, including dog waste, home with you.
  8. Vehicle Restrictions: 
    Motor vehicles are restricted to designated parking lots and paved streets. No person may drive or park a vehicle outside of these designated areas.
  9. Picnics and Mass Gatherings:
    1. No mass picnics or meetings may be held, except by permit from SFUSD.
    2. Single Family Picnics with light snacks are permitted in all SFUSD Shared Schoolyards unless otherwise prohibited by posted signs.
    3. A Facilities Use Permit or written authorization from SFUSD Principal is required to use the Schoolyard for mass picnics, meetings or gatherings.
  10. Respect Others: 
    No person shall willfully interfere with, annoy, or harass others lawfully using the playground or park area. Interference with park maintenance activities by city employees or agents is also prohibited.
  11. Sales and Commercial Activities: 
    No person shall sell or offer to sell any goods, or place any stand, cart, or vehicle for transportation, sale, or display of goods, except for those licensed by the city as a concessionaire.
  12. Advertising Restrictions: 
    Unauthorized advertising on public property is not permitted within the playground or park area.
  13. Emergency Procedures: In case of an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
    To report vandalism, inappropriate behavior or broken items email us at

By adhering to these rules and participating in SFUSD's programs, we can maintain a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environment for all members of our community.

This page was last updated on March 12, 2025