Educator Resources

Create a Health Positive Environment
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Check below for ways you can help your classroom be health positive.

Teach Health in Your Classroom

It's important and required that health is taught at all levels. Elementary teachers are required to teach 20 lessons each year.

Please see the Health Education pages for more information.


Allow students to have their full recess

Students need time to exercise their bodies, regardless of behavior or academic issues. Find alternative ways to handle behavior and academic problems that do not involve taking away recess. Think of consequences that will enhance your relationship to the student and restore the harm. Explore alternatives with the whole school community so that everyone is on the same page.



Model healthy eating and drinking in class

We may not all be perfect models of health, but when in front of students, let's show our best. Drink water, eat fruit, and give other models of health positive behavior.

Read more at Actions for Healthy Kids.(link is external)


Teacher Eating Apple with Kids

Provide opportunities for physical movement

Physical breaks are a great way to promote movement and give your students brief fun activity. Here are some tips from Actions for Healthy Kids:

  • Participate with your students in the activity. Students will be more likely to join in and have fun if they see their school community moving with them.
  • Ask teachers and school administrators to share and demonstrate their favorite activities, games, and movement ideas during staff meetings throughout the school year.
  • Keep physical activity breaks short and manageable. Shoot for 1 – 5 minute breaks at least 2-3 times per day.
  • Integrate physical activity into academic concepts when possible.
  • Create a classroom atmosphere that embraces movement! Consider playing age and culturally appropriate music.
  • Empower students by asking them to share and lead their own physical activity break ideas.
  • Add in fun equipment items such as beanbags, spot markers, yoga mats, and balance boards. Consider applying for a Game On grant(link is external)!
  • Ask a parent volunteer create a playlist of music that complements planned movement breaks.
  • Add physical activity breaks right into your daily schedule. Try creating a classroom physical activity calendar of events that includes a variety of ideas throughout the month. Use a classroom physical activity tracker(link is external) to help your students reach 10 minutes daily!
  • Ask parents to create movement break activity cards and props for teachers to use.

Talking with Students about Food and Health

Students don't always make healthy choices. However, each student has a right to make their own choices. Our role is to encourage and model healthy eating without putting people down for other choices.

This page was last updated on February 6, 2024