
Health Education

Teaching of nutrition education is supported by District Policy #19-24SP1, which requires use of district adopted materials, skills based content focused, and professional development Health Education mandates.

  • Elementary School: 20 lessons / grade level / year
  • Middle School: 30 hours / grade level /year
  • High School: One semester graduation requirement

Physical Education

Physical Education is mandated by District and State Education Codes as follows:

  • Elementary School: 200 minutes / 10 days (K-5)
  • Middle School: 400 minutes / 10 days (6 -8)
  • High School: 2 years of 400 minutes / 10 days

Wellness Policy

bewell booklet cover English(link is external)   bewell booklet cover Spanish(link is external)   bewell booklet cover Chinese(link is external)

See the Wellness Policy Be Well Booklets in ENGLISH(link is external) | SPANISH(link is external) | CHINESE(link is external).

Full Wellness Policy

In April 2015, the Board of Education approved an updated wellness policy that was developed through a collaborative community process. 

Wellness Policy (P5167) (pdf)  meets all the provisions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA), and provides all schools with a framework to actively promote the health and wellness of students, staff and families; it includes guidelines related to nutrition, nutrition education, food and beverage marketing, physical education  physical activity, and staff wellness.  The Wellness Policy is meant to inspire and empower a shift in culture that will increase healthy eating and physical activity among our students by creating environments that encourage and support healthy choices. 

Each school is encouraged to establish a School Wellness Committee to help implement and evaluate adherence to the Policy and to create a ‘school wellness report card’ to detail progress.

Read the wellness policy in ENGLISH(link is external) | SPANISH(link is external)CHINESE(link is external).

This page was last updated on November 1, 2021