November 18, 2020

November 18, 2020 Link to this section

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Dear SFUSD Families:

Earlier today, I sent you an email regarding our planning process for a gradual return to in-person learning. If all the health and safety indicators are met, we are planning to begin offering in-person learning for students enrolled in certain grades and programs at a set of schools. We have set a target date of January 25, 2021 for the first wave of schools to open for in-person learning. 

When we are ready to offer in-person learning, families will have a choice about whether to return to in person or stay in distance learning. We will not reopen any schools until we can implement all health and safety measures recommended by the SF Department of Public Health. 

I know this remains a very challenging time and that there are a range of feelings about the possibility of returning to in-person learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you haven’t already, please read my full letter here

Please also keep reading today’s digest for more important updates.


In Person Learning Preparations: What Families Most Need to Know

Hear about how SFUSD is communicating with families as we prepare to return to in person learning in this video(link is external) featuring Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthews and Deputy Superintendent of Strategic Partnerships and Communications Gentle Blythe. Share your questions and ideas about what communication will help families prepare to return to in person learning if they choose to.

  • The Thought Exchange survey can be accessed through a QR code or a link on this web page.
  • The survey will remain open until Thursday 11/19 at 11:59PM PST.
  • Please also rate other ideas in the Thought Exchange. We will respond to top rated questions to our best extent in a FAQ online.

Fall Break Closure Schedules

Most SFUSD schools will be closed Nov. 23-27 for Fall Break. Lincoln High School will hold regularly scheduled classes on Nov. 23, 24 and 25. Early Education schools and Out of School Time (OST) programs that offer year-round services will operate Nov. 23 and 24. SFUSD offices will be closed Nov. 26 and 27. We will not have a staff or family digest next Wednesday, November 25.

Pick up Grab & Go Meals this Friday! Closed for Fall Break

  • This Friday, pick up 5 days’ worth of meals, including holiday specials: Roasted Turkey with Mashed Yams, Mac & Cheese, and whole Sweet Potatoes to cook at home!
  • Available to SFUSD students and their siblings. Please bring your student's barcode or another form of verification listed on
  • All Grab and Go meal sites will be closed November 23-27 for Fall Break.
  • View the December Grab-and-Go Schedule(link is external).

View Elementary Report Cards and K-HS Fall District Assessment Student Reports

  • Report cards and Fall District Assessment Student Reports (for students with results) are now available in the Documents tab of ParentVUE and can be downloaded in PDF format. Report cards are also available under the Report Cards tab. 
  • Learn how to access documents in ParentVUE. If you experience issues using the mobile app, please visit the ParentVUE Known Issues page.

New Tool for SFUSD Enrollment

Are you applying to a new school for your student next year? SFUSD has created a new tool at to help you create your list of schools more easily.

  • You can enter your home address, and see schools listed by which is closest to your home; you can then use filters for grade, special needs, language programs, and before and after school programs to narrow the list of schools.
  • You can compare schools to each other, seeing their school hours, academics, language programs, and special education programs next to each other in one screen.
  • Make an appointment with an EPC counselor(link is external) if you want more help with your list or more information about the application process!

Tech Help Tips 

Try Restarting Your Device

  • Many tech issues can be solved by fully powering down the device. Closing the lid alone does not power down the device.
  • To power down a Chromebook, press the on/off button, then select “Power off”. Once the Chromebook is powered off, wait about 60- seconds then press the on/off button again to “Power On” the device. 
  • You can find more technology solutions in the Troubleshooting Help for Families guide at is external).

Getting Disconnected from Zoom? Check Your Internet Connection

High School Wellness Survey

High school students are encouraged to take our brief fall survey regarding their distance learning experience. The feedback will be used to create action plans for support by schools Coordinated Care Teams.

Support for Seniors in the College Application Process

SFUSD continues to be committed to college enrollment for 12th grade seniors during distance learning, and every high school has been using multiple ways to engage students. 

Applications to the University of California (UC) are due November 30th and December 4th for California State University (CSU). Applications for private colleges or universities are due on a school-by-school deadline and are primarily submitted through the Common Application (Common App). 

Research shows that people with college degrees have more job opportunities and unemployment rates for them, even during the pandemic, are far less than those without one. Please reach out to your student’s counselor if you have any questions or email for more information.

SF Department of Public Health Travel Advisory  

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly and this is a time of year when many travel or host out-of-town visitors. The SF Department of Public Health issued a travel advisory(link is external). Nonessential travel is not recommended. Travel outside the Bay Area will increase your chance of getting infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, and spreading it to others after your return. Additional precautions should also be taken when hosting and interacting with people traveling to the Bay Area, especially from other areas with widespread COVID-19. Many people with COVID-19 have no symptoms. The virus that causes COVID-19 can also travel in the air beyond 6 feet. The virus collects indoors and in enclosed spaces including in planes, buses, trains, public transportation, or other shared vehicles.

Bright Spot

Want to cook like the students in our Career Pathways? You’re in luck! SFUSD partnered with The SF Market (link is external)to send home ingredients and materials so that students develop culinary skills while cooking a healthy meal for their families. Get the recipes they’re learning in class: At Ida B. Wells High School, students recently cooked an Italian Frittata. Check out the recipe here(link is external). At Thurgood Marshall Academic High School, students recently baked Apple Crisps. Check out the recipe here(link is external)

Warm regards,

Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthew

This page was last updated on November 18, 2020