Star Students

Announcement Details

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Announcement Message

Congratulations to our Tenderloin Community School Star Students who were recognized at the last Principal's Chat! 

2nd Grade Star Students

  • Amr A. 
  • Dareen A.
  • Maison A.
  • Dylan A.
  • Rheese B.
  • Sebastian C.
  • Citlali C.
  • Javier C.
  • Angel F.
  • Jonathan L.
  • Matthew M.
  • Malaya R.
  • Camila S.
  • Gisela S.
  • Camila T.

5th Grade Star Students

  • Abiu A.
  • Kelly C.
  • Dallas D.
  • Andrea F.
  • Paul H.
  • Desire K.
  • Jason L.
  • Tyanna L.
  • Kevin L.
  • Thanh L.
  • Andy N.
  • Kathy N.
  • Marciana P.
  • Adin R.
  • Milka S.
  • Jackie S.
  • Trish T.
  • Minh V.

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