Attendance and Absences


Please do your best to have your student come to school every day, on time. Each day is filled with new experiences to interact, learn, and grow and attending every day only benefits your child's academic journey. The SFUSD academic calendar has the latest information about holidays and breaks

If your child is too sick to come to school, please keep them at home. Valid reasons for missing school include illness; medical, dentist, optometric, or chiropractic appointments; and justifiable personal reasons such as attending the funeral of an immediate family member or the observance of religious or cultural holidays and ceremonies. For district guidance, please visit the SFUSD website on when to stay at home

Reporting Absences

If your student is absent from school, the parent, guardian, or caregiver must communicate with the school in one of the following ways before or on the day of the absence

  • Submit an absence notification via ParentVue (Instructions) - (preferred)

  • Email Ms. Anna, our school clerk, at (note your student's name, teacher's name or room number, and the reason for absence).

After an absence you will not be able to report an absence through ParentVue and must email Ms Anna.

The student will receive an unexcused absence if the parent/caregiver does not submit communication for a valid excused absence.  

Families DO NOT need to submit doctor’s notes for illness to receive an excused absence. A parent/guardian/caregiver of the student can submit a request for excused absence anytime during the school year. We encourage parents/guardians/caregivers to review their student's attendance record regularly and communicate any discrepancies to the school. 

In all communications with the school regarding a student's absence please provide:

  • Your name and identify yourself as the parent/guardian/caregiver of the student  
  • Student’s name  
  • Date(s) of the absence(s)  
  • Reason for the absence  
  • Signature of a parent/caregiver and current date (if a written note; email preferred)


Students and Families can find out more about SFUSD Attendance policies in the Student and Family Handbook

This page was last updated on August 18, 2024