African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)

African American Parent Advisory Council - About Link to this section

The mission of the African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) is to provide a forum to hear the ideas of the Starr King African American parent community, and respond to those ideas by educating and informing parents of district resources policy and programs. It is our goal to empower the lives of all African-American children and families by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for a high quality educational experience for our children.This committee aims to hear from African-American parents on engaging and supporting their children and will provide support to parents in partnering with Starr King to ensure their students receive a quality education. All are invited.

The AAPAC works to develop resources that allow parents to more actively support the academic instruction their children receive and engage with educators and administrators at Starr King, we aimed to lift every parent voice and help less engaged parents find their voice through us.


AAPAC Meeting Schedule - SY 2020-2021 Link to this section

Please refer to this chart for the AAPAC's meeting schedule and notes from past meetings.
Date Time Zoom Link Notes
September 28, 2020 7pm   AAPAC Meeting #1(link is external)
October 28, 2020 7pm   AAPAC Meeting #2(link is external)
November 18, 2020 7pm   AAPAC Meeting #3(link is external)
December 14, 2020 7pm   AAPAC Meeting #4(link is external)
January 11, 2021 7pm   Black History Month Planning Meeting(link is external)
January 27, 2021 7pm   AAPAC Meeting #5(link is external)
February 24, 2021 7pm   AAPAC Meeting #6(link is external)
March 24, 2021 N/A   Meeting postponed
April 28, 2021 7pm    


This page was last updated on April 23, 2021