The Community Youth Center's Young Asian Women Against Violence (YAWAV) is school year-long program that seeks to train youth leaders on topics such as domestic & dating violence, sexual harassment & assault, un/healthy relationships, body image & self esteem, gender & sexuality. Youth will learn about issues affecting our communities and utilize this knowledge to go out and educate their peers as YAWAV Peer Leaders. They will have the opportunity to dive deeper into topics that are not, but should be, discussed more in schools. Youth will practice their public speaking and facilitation skills by presenting workshops to the community with staff guidance. There will be a stipend incentive for their participation in the program.
Applications are due Thurs, September 9th and applicants will be expected to complete an interview.
Youth that identify as first generation, immigrants, LGBTQQIA+, low-income, survivors of harm/violence, Non-East Asian API, and multiracial are HIGHLY encouraged to apply!
This page was last updated on August 19, 2021